
Jackie Dale-TheCatMother/Cat Trapper: Trickles, Transports, and Trapping

by Jackie Dale

I started the month with a transport of four of my kittens to rescue. Since my specialty is supplying the rescue with cats aged five months and up, I was pleased and surprised when they agreed to take the litter of four kittens from Firebaugh. I can only assume it was because the kittens were not only very healthy AND super cute, but they were incredibly well socialized.

Jackie Dale-TheCatMother/Cat Trapper: Too Many Kittens!

by Jackie Dale

This has been a month where I have spent a majority of my time at home taking care of many kittens and also a handful of adults as well. Due to a staffing shortage at the vets, there have been fewer appointments available so I have had to curtail some of my TNR work for the time being. It is just as well since the kittens keep me hopping.

Jackie Dale-TheCatMother/Cat Trapper: Ebb and Flow, (Mostly Flow)

by Jackie Dale

The cats and kittens have continued to flow both in and out this month. Most of these felines had happy endings that consisted of them going to rescue. Seventeen lucky kitties went to rescue this month!!
One young cat had a not-so-happy ending. I picked up a severely malnourished female cat at a packing house near my home. A lady who worked there witnessed the poor thing nearly get taken out by a forklift so she contacted me. I picked her up immediately. However, despite my best efforts, the poor thing passed away three days later. Her starved little body just couldn’t recover.

March Mystery Catchup: Bookstores/Scotland/Bed & Breakfast/Cats

by Cynthia Chow
& Sandra Murphy

This week we are reviewing 4 more fun cozy mysteries--these involve bookstores, cats, Scotland, and a bed and breakfast--A Killer Romance: A Book Reads Mystery by Maggie Blackburn, Mrs. Morris and the Mermaid by Traci Wilton, Murder at a Scottish Castle by Traci Hall (Traci Hall and Traci Wilton are the same person), and Fur Love or Money by Sofie Ryan.

Jackie Dale-The Cat Mother/Cat Trapper: Back in Business-Transport and Drama

by Jackie Dale

As I finished my last column, I was patiently waiting for the vet to return from vacation. She had already contacted me and set up appointments for the day after she got home on the 3rd. Meanwhile, someone dumped two friendly cats in my yard. Both males, one was fixed and one was not. The unfixed fellow is super fluffy and full of matted fur.

