Terrific Tales

Mystery Short Story: Clear Evidence

by Guy Belleranti

Edie Cunningham left Sarah Bracey's house the same way she'd come, by an unlocked back window.
Got to get away from here, Edie thought, ripping the rubber gloves from her hands, and stuffing them beside the small flashlight in the hip pocket of her jeans. Got to get far away from Sarah’s dead body on the study floor.

Fire Alarm On First Night: New Year’s Eve Mystery Short Story

by Margaret S. Hamilton

Up to her elbows in mounds of washed lettuce and spinach in the parish hall kitchen, Lizzie Christopher assembled large bowls of mixed salad garnished with carrot peels and dotted with sliced radishes. The parish hall would be one of many event spaces serving dinner to the townspeople on First Night, or New Year’s Eve, before the evening concerts, one-act plays, and fireworks.

The Mystery of the Mirror: A Halloween Mystery Short Story By Shari Held

by Sheri Held

I watch them, the young Americans with trendy $200 haircuts and designer clothes straight from the front pages of Vogue. I listen to their carefree laughter and idle chatter regularly punctuated with a giggle or an OMG! They haven’t a care in the world. Their charmed lives lie ahead of them. Dinner and dancing with handsome men who drive fancy sports cars. Trips to Europe and exotic islands. They take it all for granted. Like their lives are unfolding in a script of their own making.

Unmasked: A Halloween Mystery Short Story By Edith Maxwell

by Edith Maxwell

Maybe All Hallow’s Eve should be called All Hallow’s Evil, Dot Henderson mused as she watched the costumed Bostonians parade by that October night in 1926. A leering Harlequin slid into the shadows. A dark-hooded Death carried a scythe over his shoulder, while a red-forked tail sprang out from behind a statuesque Egyptian queen wearing a grotesque mask.

