
Any writers interested in submitting articles or mystery short stories to be considered for publication in the Kings River Life Magazine, please click here to contact us or email us at kingsriverlife@gmail[dot]com. Submissions also encouraged from teens. We are also very interested in local events (San Joaquin Valley), so please send us your press releases as well, as much in advance as possible–note they are usually added to the site at the beginning of a week. We also have a mystery event page for events that are mystery related.

Though technically a California magazine, with the exception of local coverage, we will consider submissions from any writer no matter where they reside, especially in the areas of mystery/fantasy short stories and reviews, food & pets. We prefer that short stories not be longer than 3000 words, but longer stories may be considered. We prefer articles not be more than 1000 words but at least 400. For more information on submitting please contact us at the above email address. We do accept reprints as long as it has been at least several months since the story/article was first published.

At this time, there is no monetary compensation for any submissions, but all authors/photographers may include a link to either their website or blog and all authors will also get a small bio and a byline. Frequent contributors may also qualify to receive ad space on this website. Kings River Life Magazine retains first publication rights (or, in some cases, second or third) for all contributions for 90 days from the publication date (in some cases longer, such as for most short stories it is 6 months), after which the author is free to reprint their submission elsewhere if credit is given to Kings River Life for publication of the item, but be aware that the article/story will remain on KRL as long as the magazine exists. Some exceptions to the 90 days can be made upon request from the author.

Please include a small sentence bio, including age and school for teens or your website/blog for anyone 20+, to accompany the article if it is accepted. If you have any questions feel free to contact us.

