by Jackie Dale
The cats and kittens have continued to flow both in and out this month. Most of these felines had happy endings that consisted of them going to rescue. Seventeen lucky kitties went to rescue this month!!
One young cat had a not-so-happy ending. I picked up a severely malnourished female cat at a packing house near my home. A lady who worked there witnessed the poor thing nearly get taken out by a forklift so she contacted me. I picked her up immediately. However, despite my best efforts, the poor thing passed away three days later. Her starved little body just couldn’t recover.
But hold on, here come two more kittens from a lady who says the mom abandoned them. They were pretty small so I added them to the group of five that a mother cat was already nursing. I kept an eye on them and it all went fabulously. All seven kittens are doing great.
A friend needed some temporary help getting her cat and I agreed to help. The cat seemed unwilling to walk. I had the cat x-rayed and the verdict was that the cat was FULL of poop. I felt that the cat was pregnant, but curiously, there were no fetal bones visible on the x-ray. The very next day it was off to the clinic where we found out that the cat was indeed pregnant. The day after surgery, was it a Caesarean? What happened to the kittens? the cat still had not pooped so I got to do every cat rescuer’s nightmare come true…I gave a cat an enema. Sure the cat struggled some but it was not nearly as bad as I feared it might be. It took another 24 hours before we got results but the cat seemed to be returning to normal. Another 24 hours and several more poops and the cat was walking normally again. My friend thinks I’m a miracle worker. LOL!
This same friend asked me to take in a litter of five bottle babies. The kittens had been left in a box at the entrance of an animal control in a town an hour away. They were going to euthanize them if no foster was found. They brought me the healthy kittens and so far, all are eating well.
The next day I get a call from a lady I had previously helped with stray cats. She said a stray mom and her kittens were camping in her yard. She asked me to take them and I said I was full and could she take care of them till the kittens were weaned? She did not want to do that and I said I would try to find someone to foster. A couple of days later she called to say the mom was dead. I have no way of knowing for sure if they are telling me the truth or not. So I took in the kittens, bringing my total of bottle babies to 10. Next day after that, the vet’s office called me to see if I had room for two ginger babies. Same story, no foster meant dire consequences so I again said yes. I then drove straight to the senior apartment complex to pick up a cat who had been injured in a fight. The post on Facebook regarding the cat had lots of well-wishers and pleas for “someone to do something!” There was also the usual advice on what the as-yet-unseen “someone” should do to help the cat. Some of this advice is fairly ridiculous. So anyway, I stepped up and took in the cat. A visit to the vet revealed that the cat had already been fixed. However, the cat has a bad case of stomatitis, a painful gum disease. The only cure is the removal of the affected teeth. I told the residents about the diagnosis and to my surprise, the residents there who like the cats raised the $500 for the needed dental surgery. The cat, named Jetta, can’t be returned to the complex so hopefully, she will be able to go to rescue sometime in the future. Right now she is scared and confused and needs some time to decompress.As I was finishing this column, I got a call from the Reedley ACO. Someone had brought a kitten into the lobby of the police station and when they asked him to wait while they contacted the ACO, the man said he could not wait and he just sort of slid the kitten across the floor and ran out. I immediately went to pick up the kitten, bringing my total bottle babies to a baker’s dozen, 13! The amount of formula they drink is staggering. Soon they will be on meat milk (formula and can kitten food mixed into a mush), which they like to swim in, so I see kitten baths in my near future.
DONATIONS ARE ALWAYS GREATLY APPRECIATED!! I can’t operate without them. If you would like to make a donation, I have a PayPal account jackiejoy@hotmail[dot]com You can also support the post office and send donations/supplies via good old snail mail to Jackie Dale P O Box 1859, Reedley, CA 93654.
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I am sorry about the kittens. That poor cat mom had no idea bless her. You are picking up the pieces from stupid people and the ‘Oh So Helpful’ stupid comments on places like Facebook. They won’t get off their bums and so it even if they are local.