
Immanuel Football 2013 Season

by Ryne Preheim

This year of Immanuel Football has kicked off to a great start. With the addition of some new faces, the Eagles squad is set to do better than ever. After the 2012 season finished the Eagles offense knew they would have to replace the star power that Sam Isaak brought to the running back position, while also filling some key spots on the line. Their entire offense needed to be shaped once again by the incoming talent the Eagles had coming into the year.

The Final Blab by DJ Reimer–RHS Happenings As the School Year Comes To An End

by D.J. Reimer

My final prom took place on April 27 at the Grand Hotel in Fresno. This years' prom saw one of the greatest ticket sales in RHS history (over 500). The theme was Lucky 13 and the luxurious hotel was decorated with red and black and included a comfortable upstairs region with poker tables and photographs. The dance floor was crowded, exactly as it should be! I was nominated for prom king and I was crowned king alongside my close friend Avery Perez! We danced a lovely dance serenaded by Joseph Ham singing a Sinatra song, and the 500 plus students seemed completely satisfied. Mission accomplished.

Choir at Reedley High School

by Andraya Hamilton

Reedley High School offers four choir classes-Beginning Men's Choir, Beginning Women's Choir, Concert Choir, and Madrigals, all taught by Mr. Randy Lepp. Concert Choir is made up of fifty young men and women and Madrigals is a group of the top performing choir students. This year's group is made up of about eighteen students, all of whom are remarkable in their talents.

