
6 Safety Tips for First-Time Boaters This Summer

by Staff

Going boating or obtaining your boating license for the first time this summer will allow you to explore the open waters with confidence. Whether you're interested in investing in a boat of your own or you want to rent a boat to go for a ride, there are a few safety tips you'll want to keep in mind. Knowing the most basic safety tips for first-time boaters will reduce the risk of experiencing an issue, setback, or any danger any time you're out on the water.

4 Travel Tips to Keep You Safe This Summer

by staff

Summer is almost here. It's time to think about those warm-weather activities, whether it's just lounging out in front of your home soaking in the sun, going on road trips, or even doing things like swimming and diving. Whatever your lifestyle, you need to be safe. Here are four travel tips that will help you do just that.

Tips for Getting Your California Vacation Cabin Ready This Summer

by staff

Summer is an amazing time to relax and enjoy the great weather with the people who are closest to you. This is why it's a great idea to get your California summer vacation cabin ready early so that the good times can roll uninhibited. With some lifestyle updates, you can modify your cabin and ensure that you all enjoy this season. Have a look below to see some helpful tips that can make it easy for you to prepare for the summer and maximize your safety and comfort while you're there.

Keep your “Hot” Dog Cool during warm Summer Days

by Kevin Davies

Summer days are loaded with sun and fun. Despite the heat, summers can come with lots of cool treats and aquatic entertainment. It’s a fact that dogs and their owners love to stay indoors in properly air conditioned rooms. But you need to find other ways of keeping yourselves cool when the mercury rises.

The Egg Robber

by Ron Van Sweringen

She was tired of being robbed every morning. I could tell by the way she looked at me with those blinking eyes when I entered the chicken coop. She was the only white hen in my grandmother's flock of twelve hens and one large, very mean, red rooster.

Shooting Stars Over Brooklyn: A Hot Summer Short Story

by Ron Van Sweringen

Manny D'Angelo, dropped the air mattress on the roof. A pillow followed on top of the mattress. "Hot as heck," he groaned, his fifteen year-old body reflected in the moonlight, naked except for his jeans. He looked over the edge of the roof, five stories down to Demato Street, in the center of Little Italy. People were resting on their front stoops and he could hear faint radio music wafting on the hot sultry air. "One hundred and one," he recalled the weather man saying that day, "and more expected tomorrow."

