
Things to Pack In Your Backpack When Taking That Local Day Hike

by staff

Are you ready to go and try out that local day hike you have often heard about? Then there are several things that you need to prepare and pack in your backpack before you head out. Going out for a hike presents you with a great opportunity to explore nature outside. It also helps you to get away from the busy city life and relax your mind and body. Being out in nature helps boost your mood and improve your physical and respiratory health as well.

11 Best Hikes to Experience in Beautiful Arizona

by staff

Arizona is an incredibly diverse state with a lot of amazing scenery to explore. The mountains offer spectacular views and wondrous ponderosa pines, and there are many beautiful trails for you to explore on foot. For hikers, this region has a lot to offer. You can stretch your legs by hiking bizarre rock formations, mesas, canyons, and even volcanoes.

Mineral King: Tucked Away in the Sierras

by Jim Mulligan

I’m always a little taken aback when I learn that someone who lives in the Central Valley has never visited Yosemite, or has never seen, in person, the majestic Giant Sequoias that have grown in the Sierras so near to us for over 3,000 years. Of course, people actually flock from all corners of the Earth to visit these natural wonders. All the more reason to question why us local residents wouldn’t take advantage of a quick trip to enjoy these amazing locations right in our backyard. I guess sometimes it’s just hard to see the forest for the trees. What I mean in this case is, there is so much nature to explore so near to us, sometimes we just don’t notice what we might be missing.

Hiking Trails You Can Explore in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, Singapore

by staff

Singapore is not only known for business startups and man-made attractions, but also for its well-maintained and preserved nature reserves. If you are planning to visit this island-state for your next vacation, this is the best time to make your itinerary. As you do this, consider the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, especially if you love hiking, cycling, and interacting with nature.

Hidden Homes Nature Trail

by Tom Sims

It was time for a stroll, grandpa-style.
It is a good assignment: Discover a new short trip, experience it, and write about it.
The Hidden Homes Nature Trail is located at the Coke Hallowell Center for River Studies at 11605 Old Friant Road.

Best Snacks to Take Hiking

by Virginia Cunningham

Hiking can burn a lot of calories and use up a considerable amount of your body’s energy reserves. While you might not need extra energy for a short hike, taking a snack if you’re going on a long or particularly strenuous hike is a smart idea.

Hiking with the Boys at Lost Lake Park

by Tom Sims

It was a curious convergence. The eldest grandson was coming over to spend time with the youngest. The “grandpa article” was due. I was clueless. I had exhausted all my ideas and my cash reserves. What would be good to do that would cost little and generate enough interest to engage a seven year old who loads of energy and a twelve year old with a good deal more maturity?

Alder Creek Campground

by Brian Wall

Camping can take all sorts of forms–from creating a shelter using the supplies available in the forest to parking your RV in a well groomed RV park and busting out the lawn chairs. I recently monitored the progress of British explorer Felicity Aston, who spent 59 days alone crossing Antarctica–the first woman to do this ever in history! That’s 59 days with no human contact, no shower, no bathroom, in -22 degree weather!

