
Whee! I can Fly!

by Lee Juslin

Valentina, at barely one-year-old, is still very puppy-ish. She is super active, loves toys, and is a very busy girl. Her foster mom says she jumps on the sofa and flies to nearby chairs or tables.
Valentina was purchased by a nice family from a pet shop, but they had no Scottie experience. In addition, the parents were very busy between working full time, their children’s school, and after school activities. Consequently, Valentina spent a lot of time alone in her crate.

Luna Enjoys Delayed Puppyhood

by Lee Juslin

Luna, a little Scottie girl, had a rough start in life. She was part of a puppy mill where she was chained up 24/7 with a lot of other dogs. When Animal Control moved in to seize the dogs, Luna and the others were sent to a shelter. Luckily for Luna, the shelter called Greater NY/NJ Scottie Rescue, and she is now safe in the arms of rescue.

Hartigan, that’s me!

by Lee Juslin

Hartigan grew up in a loving home with two parents who took him everywhere. However, as he grew older he developed some health problems which were difficult for the family because, with busy schedules, they had trouble handling his schedule of medications. In addition, they had a baby, and when the baby got more attention than Hartigan, the Scottie became quite jealous. So, when he bit the baby, the parents were ready to have him euthanized.

