
Luxurious Anniversary Gifts – Pampering Your Wife In Style

by staff

Celebrating another year of love and commitment with your wife is a special occasion that calls for a touch of luxury. Show your appreciation and devotion by indulging her with a luxurious anniversary gift that pampers her in style. Prepare to discover a curated selection of opulent gift ideas that will make her feel cherished and adored.

The Perfect Gift: A Christmas Mystery Short Story

by Suzanne Berube Rorhus

“Just buy something. Do you have to make everything such a drama?” His wife’s voice, after ten minutes, no, make that twenty-three solid years of lecturing, grated on Timothy’s nerves. He held his head and leaned against the Dillard’s necktie counter in Cordova, Tennessee. It was the Friday after Thanksgiving and the store was packed with bargain-hunting shoppers.

Seasonal Gifts of the Arts

by Nancy Holley

With the shopping days until Christmas dwindling down to a precious few, the Visalia Arts Consortium members have ideas that may help. You can never go wrong with gifts of theatre tickets, museum memberships, or handiwork of local artists. The following include possibilities for all ages and interests, and unless otherwise stated, are located in Visalia.

