
How I Met My Dinner: Pysanky, Easter Egg Art

by Alicia Lieu

Living in New York City has advantages and disadvantages. But people who move to New York and choose to stay, even after the reality of the high cost of living sets in, can reap the benefits of living in a global city. Living in the city may mean that you can’t save enough money to travel the world, but it doesn’t hurt so badly once you realize that the world is only one subway ride away.

The Chicken or the Egg–CCLUCK Says, Why Not Both?

by Tom Sims

Around Fresno County, scores of families are discovering the healthy fun of raising their own eggs and partaking of the nutritional delights of doing so. However, in the city of Fresno, a family can legally have a pig as a pet, but not a hen. Rachel Carpenter and CCLUCK would like to change that. CCLUCK is an acronym and abbreviation for Central California Local Urban Chicken Keepers.

