#TagMe for Murder By Sarah E. Burr: Review/Giveaway/Interview

Jun 17, 2023 | 2023 Articles, Kathleen Costa, Mysteryrat's Maze

by Kathleen Costa

This week we have a review of #TagMe for Murder by Sarah E. Burr along with an interesting interview with Sarah. There is also a mini review of the first book in this series #FollowMe For Murder. Details at the end of this post on how to enter to win a copy of the new book, and a link to purchase it from Amazon.

#TagMe for Murder: The Trending Topics Mystery By Sarah E. Burr
Review by Kathleen Costa

Coco Cline was an internet darling, and after she and her college friends negotiated the sale of their start up, she had a few million in her pocket and ownership of her popular lifestyle blog, Trending Topic. But, the resulting fame, albeit fun at times, had its difficulties, and the money didn’t stay in her pocket. Still she had her online persona and lots of followers, but it only provided a meager living. She needed a more lucrative employment opportunity. [Light bulb flashes!] With her networking skills and online recognition, Coco started CoA, Center of Attention Consulting Services, to help promote local businesses and expand their online presence. Her very first client, Charlotte Whittaker, is now a close friend, and along with her boyfriend, Hudson Caruthers, a news anchor at the local station and close friend since primary school, Jasper Hastings, the editor-in-chief of a society and fashion magazine, she’s enjoying life. Fame, for sure. Flops, of course. Felonies, a troublesome snag. Coco’s business is growing, but snags are always possible. Fortunately, helping to bring Central Shores P.D. into the tech world as a client, she’s got back-up.

#TagMe for Murder Earns 5/5/ Hashtags … Engaging Entertaining Gem!
Coco’s latest graduate of her CoA consulting, Andre Nuñez, is opening his new wine bar, Vine, to an eager crowd, but as much as Coco, Hudson, Jasper, and Charlotte were enjoying the party, they were turned off seeing Larry and Rosalynn Dunmer, the newest residents of Sunny Shores neighborhood. The Dunmers are Coco’s and Jasper’s neighbors, and neither wasted any time before starting a barrage of nuisance complaints, spewing rude comments, being way too forward, and making wild accusations. Even though the Dunmers were only renting for as long as Larry’s city audit assignment lasted, they would have challenged even Mr. Rogers’ neighborly manner. The evening spirals into chaos with both sides landing verbal attacks, demeaning retorts, and vicious threats to ruin Coco and Jasper, so who gets the last word? Karma does, but Coco, and especially Jasper, may still have a lot to explain when the police receive a “1054” … possible dead body!

#FunRead! Sarah E. Burr’s second book in her Trending Topic Mystery is even more engaging and clever with karma stepping in to serve up just desserts to this neighbor from hell, but it’s not without its trouble ensnaring Coco, again. Her close friend is the prime suspect, of course, due to his confrontation with the victim, early departure from the party, and a link to the murder weapon hard to dismiss. Case closed, right? Not so fast. Sarah may use the traditional cozy formula (I enjoy), revealing the crime early and putting the investigation at center stage, but it is a well-written journey with Coco’s realistic snooping, tech-savvy skills, enlistment of close friends and … her mother?, and collaboration with law enforcement, exposing other suspects (enemies) with motives that seem perfect as a rationale for murder. Whew! What a final twist!

Coco is a delightful young woman, smart and clever, a whiz with social media, and one with whom many “millennials” can identify. Her personal life has some interesting dilemmas she tries to handle from Hudson’s popularity as a handsome, television figure often overshadowing her own once popular image and a work-related incident cause lots of discord, yet an interesting wrap up was provided including a few surprising gigs for Coco, Hudson, and Jasper. Burr’s characters are realistically portrayed through their skills and personality, and add well as compadres or confidants. There were several fascinating peripheral events happening to engage the reader, too: Coco’s clientele, local businesses, and several town events. All in all smart writing!

It began here …

#FollowMe For Murder Earns 5/5 Twitter Posts … Clever Cozy Gem!
A social media influencer. A new consulting service. A bright future. A dead body. Coco Cline’s new business, Center of Attention Consulting Services, is embroiled in a mystery. Her latest client, Olivia and Sean Chen, owners of a new consignment shop called Once Used, Twice Buy, regrettably, has become the center of a murder investigation with the discovery of a dead body. It’s not an experience Coco wants to repeat, but her business is in jeopardy of being negatively linked to the murder, so she’s compelled to uncover the truth of what happened to the young woman. Clever. Engaging. Contemporary treat. Sarah E. Burr has created a unique theme around which she devises an entertaining cozy mystery: a rebranded social media influencer. She’s also created a savvy, strong female in Coco Cline who partners with a diverse set of friends and family in an amateur, yet realistic investigation. Stuck in the middle of a murder mystery, the clues are steadily revealed with some interesting details exposing secret affairs, abuse, and money issues leading to a surprise arrest. Great introduction to a clever series!

The Trending Topic Mysteries
#Follow Me For Murder (2022)
#TagMe for Murder (2022)

Be a Big Fan of Sarah E. Burr!
Chic. Clever. Cozy. Sarah E. Burr is filled with criminal intent, well, in her books that is. Along with her Trending Topic Mystery series with social media influencer Coco Cline, she writes a paranormal cozy mystery Glenmyre Whim Mystery with candle shop owner Hazel Wickbury, and the Court of Mystery series with Duchess Jacqueline Arienta Xavier who was first introduced in The Ducal Detective Mysteries. She writes an eclectic series of books, but they all with strong female leads.

Website: saraheburr.com
Facebook: facebook.com/authorsaraheburr
Instagram: instagram.com/authorsaraheburr
Bookish Time TV YouTube: youtube.com/@itsbookishtime
Author YouTube: outube.com/@authorsaraheburr

Kathleen Costa is a long-time resident of the Central Valley, and although born in Idaho, she considers herself a “California Girl.” Graduating from CSU-Sacramento, she is 35+ year veteran teacher having taught in grades 1-8 in schools from Sacramento to Los Angeles to Stockton to Lodi. Currently Kathleen is enjoying year 2 of retirement revitalizing hobbies along with exploring writing, reading for pleasure, and spending 24/7 with her husband of 26+ years.

Interview with Sarah E. Burr:

KRL: How long have you been writing?

Sarah: I began writing my first full manuscript as a freshman in college. That project has yet to see the light of day and, most likely, won’t for a long time. It needs a lot of TLC before I’m ready to share it with the world. It did prove to me that I could write a book, though!

KRL: When did your first novel come out, what was it called, and would you tell us a little about it?

Sarah: My first published novel was A Summit in Shadow. It grew from three smaller mystery novellas I’d written and published previously, The Ducal Detective, A Feast Most Foul, and A Voyage of Vengeance. The Court of Mystery series focuses on a Duchess who inherits her father’s throne after her parents’ sudden deaths. When she discovers the late Duke and Duchess were murdered, Duchess Jacqueline – known as Jax by her friends – embarks on an investigation that will reshape the rest of her life.

Sarah E. Burr

Writing Duchess Jacqueline’s story really ended up changing my life, as well. I fell head over heels for the mystery genre and decided to make a go of it as an author. #TagMe for Murder is the eighteenth book I’ve published since 2017.

KRL: Wow! Have you always written mysteries/suspense, and if not, what else have you written?

Sarah: When I was very young, I wrote a lot of Nancy Drew fanfiction. That eventually evolved into Harry Potter fanfiction. By the time I reached college, I was in a Dan Brown phase, so my first full-length manuscript became something akin to Da Vinci Code meets Twilight. After that, it would be about seven years before I found my way to the cozy mystery genre.

KRL: What brought you to choose the setting and characters in your latest book/series?

Sarah: Coco Cline introduced herself to me while I was on a cozy mystery-reading binge. I had just moved from Boston to New York, and I was coping with the move by losing myself in these warm, welcoming towns where the good guys always win.

As a millennial, I did notice that everyone seemed afraid to use their cell phones, so I got to thinking, “What if there was a cozy mystery heroine who relied on technology and social media to catch her killer? What if I wrote that story?” Asking that question was one of the best things I ever did!

As for the setting, I wanted to write about a beach town, but I wanted the story to be located in a place that hadn’t gotten much exposure from the cozy mystery genre. Delaware hasn’t been featured in many cozies, so I decided Central Shores, Coco’s hometown, would be there.

KRL: Do you write to entertain, or is there something more you want the readers to experience from your work?

Sarah: I do write to entertain, but I also like leaving little lessons in my books for readers to uncover. For example, in the Trending Topic Mysteries, I strive to remind people how easy it is to be kind and how hurtful even anonymous words can be when you share them online.

KRL: Do you have a schedule for your writing, or just work whenever you can?

Sarah: I am lucky enough to dedicate my full time to writing, so I keep to a very regimented writing schedule. I spend the first two hours of my day doing author admin work (social media content, website updates, blogs, articles, etc.) and then switch to writing mode. By three o’clock, I turn my focus to my side business, BookstaBundles, which is a social media content creation service dedicated to helping authors. I also produce and co-host two webcast series called The Bookish Hour and A Bookish Moment, so I make time for all my episode prep work.

KRL: What is your ideal time to write?

Sarah: While I think my brain functions best only from one to two in the afternoon, I do love writing between eleven AM and three PM.

KRL: Do you outline? If not, do you have some other interesting way that you keep track of what’s going on, or what needs to happen in your book when you are writing it?

Sarah: I outline. For the longest time, I did not outline books, and guess what? I never finished them. Once I began outlining, using a format I call plot-by-day, my writing completely changed. Knowing what my characters were meant to accomplish each day to move the mystery forward was a lifesaver, and I started finishing manuscripts this way. These outlines are extremely minimal and not detailed at all, but they hit the big plot points that help advance the story.

KRL: Did you find it difficult to get published in the beginning?

Sarah: I’m probably going to raise some eyebrows by saying, “Not really,” because my first several books were independently published. I am a hybrid author and still am to this very day. I have two series I self-publish and one series with a traditional publishing house. After experiencing and very much enjoying the self-publishing landscape, I wanted to give traditional publishing a try, and WOW, what a difference.

While self-publishing has its challenges, such as getting your books in front of readers, it is nothing compared to the grueling querying process. I began by querying for an agent to represent me, and it took seventy-nine rejections before I connected with someone who believed in my writing. From there, we began to query publishers, resulting in many more rejections, before finding an editor who believed in me and Coco Cline, my heroine.

KRL: Do you have a great rejection/critique or acceptance story you’d like to share?

Sarah: You’d be amazed by how many agents and editors wrote back to me saying social media was “just a fad” and wouldn’t be around in a few years. They thought it was pointless to have a main character who used apps like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to solve crimes.

KRL: LOL crazy! Most interesting book signing story-in a bookstore or other venue?

Sarah: I ran into a hometown acquaintance at a barbecue, and she asked if I would sign my first book for her. I was beyond flattered, so of course, I was ecstatic to do so. She returned with seven or eight copies and told me she keeps them in her car so she can give them to people while telling them she knows the author. She said I was the first person she’d ever met who’d written and published a book, so she wanted to spread the good word. What a treat for me!

KRL: How cool! What are your future writing goals?

Sarah: To keep writing! After every manuscript I’ve finished, I always have a heart-stopping moment where I fear I won’t be able to do this again, and that I’ve written my last book. But each time, I’m able to find a new plot and go on another adventure with my beloved characters. So, my goal is to always have a story within me.

KRL: Who are your writing heroes?

Sarah: My cozy mystery author hero is Denise Swanson. Her books are the reason I fell in love with this genre, and I so admire all she’s been able to do with the books she writes. I also greatly look up to the late Terry Goodkind, who is my all-time favorite author, who wrote the Sword of Truth fantasy series. His world-building is simply incredible, and his books really touched my life in a deep way. I would love for my books to one day mean as much to someone as Mr. Goodkind’s books mean to me.

KRL: Can you tell us about your YouTube show, The Bookish Hour?

Sarah: The Bookish Hour is a live-stream webcast hosted by myself and fellow mystery author J.C. Kenney. It’s a lively, casual atmosphere where book lovers can gather together. We strive to have fun, laugh, and celebrate the world of writing.

J.C. and I began this endeavor a little over a year ago as a simple release celebration for our latest books. We wanted to do something fun and novel, so we decided to host a live show on YouTube where readers could watch and participate via chat. We had a grand time discussing our books and the writing process. Still, we did not expect what followed after the show. We were completely floored by emails we received from authors telling us how much they enjoyed our conversation and that they would love to come on our platform and chat with us.

Within a few weeks, we were booked until the end of the year! Demand for the show has been so high that we launched another webcast series, A Bookish Moment, to accommodate all the requests we’ve received. You can watch or listen to all our shows on YouTube.

KRL: What do you like to read?

Sarah: I’ll read just about anything if I can connect with the characters. I love a twisting mystery that leaves me baffled. I love a sweeping, epic fantasy showcasing a battle against good and evil. Most recently, I’ve gotten into reading romance manga. Oh, my goodness, I am in love!

When it comes to favorites, my favorite author of all time is the late Terry Goodkind. His Sword of Truth series moved me in ways no other book ever has, and I carry the lessons his books taught me everywhere I go.

KRL: What are your favorite T.V. shows or movies?

Sarah: For T.V. shows, I love quirky comedies and mysteries. I can watch Psych, Parks & Rec, Cougar Town, and Schitt’s Creek over and over again. I also am enthralled by Unusual Suspects: Deadly Intent, Unsolved Mysteries, Forensic Files, Cold Case Files…basically anything true crime. As for movies, Return of the King and Moulin Rouge are the best ever made.

KRL: Have you any advice for aspiring or beginning writers?

Sarah: Find yourself a community of writers. Whether with an in-person or online writing group, building a community around you is the best thing you can do for yourself. Not only will you constantly learn new ways to approach a scene or this industry, but you will develop lasting friendships that will get you through some really rough times. It is not easy to get a rejection letter. It’s not easy to lose a book contract. It’s not easy to read a one-star review.

In fact, these are all generally crummy experiences, yet we’re expected to continually pick ourselves up and keep moving forward. Having writers in your corner, people who understand the pain we go through to create our craft, can be a lifesaver. Lift others up, and they, in turn, will help lift you.

If you’re looking for a writing community and are a mystery writer, I highly recommend joining Sisters in Crime. It’s a wonderful organization and a great place to get started.

KRL: Amen to that! What is something people would be surprised to know about you?

Sarah: It might shock some people to know that writing isn’t my only true love. I obviously adored reading and writing as a kid, but as I got to middle school and high school, my passion for musical theater took over. I absolutely loved to sing and be on stage. I performed in shows like Nunsense, Fiddler on the Roof, Cats, and Les Misérables. I still enjoy singing, but mostly in my car these days. Although, if there’s a karaoke bar around, I’m there.

KRL: Do you have any pets?

Sarah: I have the world’s cutest rescue dog, Eevee. She is an Australian Shepherd-Bassett Hound mix and the light of my life. She’s the first pet I’ve owned as an adult, and I just adore her. She always steals the spotlight on my Instagram.

KRL: Is there anything you would like to add?

Sarah: If you are an aspiring writer, just starting out, or have been in the business for a while but feel stuck, feel free to contact me for an author-to-author powwow. I mean it! Building a community is essential, and if you’re looking for a friend in this industry, I am more than happy to be that person.

I absolutely love sharing what I’ve learned about publishing, especially when it comes to promoting our work. With social media being so popular, authors are often expected to tackle this themselves, and that can be incredibly daunting if software and design applications aren’t your forte. I’m always happy to chat with folks about how to brand yourself as an author, and I also have a business of my own (www.bookstabundles.com) that helps authors looking for engaging digital content. You can also catch me on my author YouTube channel sharing how-to videos about creating book promo materials.

Enter to win a copy of #TagMe for Murder by Sarah E. Burr by making a comment below about social media: (1) name your own social media site, (2) an online persona you’d like to create, or (3) what online moniker would you create? or simply email KRL at krlcontests@gmail[dot]com by replacing the [dot] with a period, and with the subject line “#tagme” or comment on this article. A winner will be chosen June 24, 2023. U.S. residents only, and you must be 18 or older to enter. If entering via email please be sure to include your mailing address in case you win. You can read our privacy statement here if you like.

Check out other mystery articles, reviews, book giveaways & mystery short stories in our mystery section. And join our mystery Facebook group to keep up with everything mystery we post, and have a chance at some extra giveaways. Also listen to our new mystery podcast where mystery short stories and first chapters are read by actors! They are also available on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, and Spotify. A new episode goes up next week.

You can use this link to purchase the book. If you have ad blocker on you may not see the Amazon link. You can also click here to purchase the book.

Disclosure: This post contains links to an affiliate program, for which we receive a few cents if you make purchases. KRL also receives free copies of most of the books that it reviews, that are provided in exchange for an honest review of the book.


  1. There’s always a fly in the ointment (in the
    form of complaining neighbors). Sounds
    like a fun read. thanks

  2. This feature has me dancing on air! I am so happy you enjoyed getting to meet Coco and her friends, Kathleen. I have so much fun hanging out with them; they’re a great group. Thank you for having me here on KRL. It’s an honor!

  3. Both are excellent reads at any time or place. I enjoy the Jax mysteries also.
    Sarah is a delightful author with humor, wit and a keen eye for details. I’m always happy reading one of her delights! And Eevee is so gosh dern cute! My pup has the biggest crush on her!

  4. #TagMe for Murder: The Trending Topics Mystery by Sarah E. Burr sounds like a stand out cozy that would be fun to read!

  5. Great article! I am definitely adding this series to my TBR list. I love cozy mysteries and social media so it’s right up my alley.

  6. Sarah is a new author to me. Would really like to read. Thanks for the chance.

  7. This sounds like a great series. I would like to enter the contest. My online Moniker is Cherry Northcutt

  8. A new author for me, I’d like to be included!

  9. We have a winner!


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