Jeri Westerson

The Deepest Grave By Jeri Westerson: Review/Giveaway

by Lorie Lewis Ham

The Deepest Grave is the latest Crispin Guest medieval noir mystery written by Jeri Westerson. Crispin is a former knight who was accused of treason and stripped of everything. To survive, he has turned to his considerable deductive skills and basically become the first private detective, though what they call him is the "Tracker." Crispin has managed to survive using these skills, providing a meager life for himself and his apprentice Jack Tucker, a former thief.

Coming Attractions: Ho Ho, Ho Edition

by Sunny Frazier

Looking for an inexpensive, easy to wrap, home delivery gift for friends? Books are the answer. Plus, you can borrow them back later (that’s fair, right?). You’ll be surprised at your favorite authors starting a new series. Some of this month’s offerings have wonderful recipes to eat by the hearth. So, curl up with hot buttered rum, ignore the messy house, and curl up and read. Merry, merry!

Roses in the Tempest By Jeri Westerson: Audio Book Review/Giveaway

by Kathleen Costa

“What if…?” is an intriguing question posed by authors of historical fiction, and more than just “changing names to protect the innocent” or avoiding libel claims, it is a way of enhancing true events and real people by providing realistic and plausible connections, interactions…love affairs? Henry VIII’s court, the Black Ladies’ Priory, Thomas Giffard, and Isabella Launder are real, but in the Roses in the Tempest the author envelopes a fictional story around them to bring to us a wonderful tale of Tudor England. “But, in the end, it is only a pleasing story.”

Jeri’s Halloween Caramel Corn

by Jeri Westeron

Halloween. What mystery writer doesn’t like this particular holiday? Heck, I start my decorating promptly on October 1st, because not only do I like the visions of skeletons and skulls, of black cats and black bats, of witch’s brews and cobwebs, but here in southern California it means that fall weather is just around the corner. And after our hot, dry summers, a cool, breezy day is a welcome sight.

