
Shaken, Not Stirred

by Lee Juslin

Martini is a Cairn mix that came into Col. Potter because his elderly owners died. They had originally adopted him from a local rescue and, over the years, provided him with a loving home. Martini at about twenty-five pounds is larger than the Cairn standard and has longer legs. He is about five years old.

Turn Key Dog

by Lee Juslin

Captain Jack is an older Westie, but this fifteen-year-old has a lot of life left. He is a happy boy whose smile and wagging tail light up a room. When he came to Caryl to be fostered, he adapted immediately. He walked right in with his tail wagging, and that well-known Westie smile on his adorable face. The captain came from a military family, and when a new baby with special needs was expected, they decided they couldn’t handle him anymore. Caryl suspects they didn’t want to be bothered and didn’t want to spend the money on him.

God Knew I Needed A Dog

by Hazel Smith

For years, my children had hounded me for a family dog. As a big family with seven young children at the time, there was no way I was going to get a dog. It was more work, more expenses, and more poop. So, how on God’s green earth did everything change for me in one weekend?

Together Forever We Two

by Lee Juslin

Jamison and Jaybee are two miniature Schnauzers looking for their forever home. They are very bonded so must be placed together. In fact, Dalton, their foster dad, says he has never seen two dogs more attached, and he has fostered a lot of dogs for Col. Potter Cairn Terrier Rescue.

It’s a Wonderful Woof: A Chet and Bernie Mystery By Spencer Quinn: Review/Giveaway

by Sandra Murphy

It’s Christmas time in the Valley. Chet and Bernie of the Little Detective Agency, Little being Bernie’s last name, Chet being the dog, could use another job. Chet is puzzled when Bernie turns down work and instead, passes the job to another PI, Victor. Chet and Bernie are action oriented, Chet being the one who grabs the perp’s pants leg and hangs on, Bernie being the smartest guy in the room. Victor is a better researcher than an active PI, so it makes sense for him to take the job.

