
Comedian Q&A with Quincy Johnson II

by Steven Sanchez

On Tuesday, January 16, stand-up comedian Quincy Johnson II rolled into Clovis to do a set at Di Cicco’s Italian Restaurant in the heart of Old Town for their Just The Tips Tuesdays where well established career funny raconteurs either from LA or out of state come to perform for tip money, generously donated by attendees.

Rogue Festival Performer Preview: Naked Zombie, Comedy at the Rogue

by Ron Jones

So, what does it take to write a comedy for the Rogue Festival? I thought it would be easy. After all, I watch Saturday Night Live and the nightly news. Well, now it’s 24-hour breaking news. Tweet! Ah, too easy! Then it hit me. The perfect subject for a Rogue comedy—me and my experience as a nude model. I mean at age seventy-seven it’s a little late for a career in nude modeling.

Rogue Reviews 2017

by KRL Staff

Throughout the week we will be posting reviews here of Rogue shows! Check back several times a day! And then go out and enjoy the Rogue Festival! To check out our Rogue preview article & some Rogue performer preview articles go to our Arts & Entertainment section. We will also be posting some performer video interviews on our YouTube Channel. So far we have reviews of Joy Compactor, Tidal Surge, Dances to Heal the Soul, Poetry and Prose From Fresno State, Too Old To Be This Young, Delirium, The Magic of Elder, Discrete Packets of Song, My Cat Thinks It's A Pig, The Wallaby Way, Joan of Sn'arc, Moonlight After Midnight, A Fatal Step, Thanks For Coming, Healing Stories, Chelsea > Blake, and Stalking Grace.

5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche

by submitted

An inauguration night performance of 5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche by Evan Holder and Andrew Hobgood will be staged by The Motley Fools at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in Fresno this coming Friday evening.

