Clea Simon

Bad Boy Beat By Clea Simon: Review/Giveaway/Interview

by Claire A Murray

Emily Kelton is a probationary reporter for the Standard, a scrappy, Boston daily newspaper. The job is a step up from the suburban weekly she’d spent two years writing for, but her success there gave her a strong dose of confidence: she knows how to report. She’s a lone wolf, with ambition to move out of the cop beat to the City Hall bureau, which her friend Roz covers, and then to larger political entities. Just prove it to Saul, her editor, she thinks.

Into the Grey By Clea Simon: Review/Giveaway

by Cynthia Chow

Doctoral candidate Dulcie Schwartz thought she was finally getting closer to the completion of her dissertation, but the unexpected inclusion of Professor Roland Fenderby on her thesis committee jeopardizes her plans. Not only does the specialist in nineteenth-century American politics savage Dulcie’s research and topic of interest, he sequesters the library material critical to her work.

When Bunnies Go Bad By Clea Simon: Review/Giveaway

by Cynthia Chow

Beauville, Massachusetts, is having one of its worst March winters in history, and all of the residents are suffering from cabin fever. The outburst by an angry restaurant customer still manages to stand out though, especially when his obnoxious demands reduce his ski bunny companion to near-tears. The bigger surprise is that when a body is found, it’s that of the belligerent diner Teddy Rhinecrest, and the arrested culprit is his meek girlfriend, Cheryl Ginger.

Kittens Can Kill: A Pru Marlow Pet Noir By Clea Simon

by Cynthia Chow

When she arrived at David Canaday's Beuville mansion, all animal behaviorist Pru Marlowe wanted was to assess the kitten his daughter had hired her to check on. The last thing she wanted to discover was Canaday’s dead body—with the tiny kitten completely distraught, calling for his mother and wanting to play. Pru doesn’t have to guess the kitten’s intent, as she can hear animals’ thoughts and telepathically speak to them.

