
Q&A With Local Actor Jessica Knotts

by Lorie Lewis Ham

We used to do a lot of local actor profiles early on, but we haven’t done as many in the last several years. It’s not that there aren’t still a lot of talented local actors out there, because there are, but we have expanded into so many other areas over the years that we don’t have as much space for the profiles as we used to.

Local Actor Peter Allwine Takes on a Different Sort of Role in Reedley

by Lorie Lewis Ham

KRL has had the pleasure throughout the years of seeing local actor Peter Allwine on stage many, many times in many different shows. An extremely talented actor and singer, the local theatre scene hasn’t seen a lot of him on stage for the last few years. Now he is taking on a very different type of role as the new General Manager of Reedley’s River City Theatre Company, which operates out of the Reedley Opera House, so we sat down to chat with him about this new adventure.

Q&A with Local Actor Chris Giese

by Lorie Lewis Ham

KRL has always enjoyed shining the spotlight on local creators—whether they are singers, musicians, dancers, filmmakers, artists, writers, or actors. This week we are chatting with local actor Chris Giese who has been seen on the stage with Reedley’s River City Theatre Co. many times, as well as at Hobb’s Grove every Halloween, and in several indie movies. Born in Dinuba, Chris now lives in Fresno.

No Business Like Show Business: The Life of a Working Actor

by staff

The glitz and glamour of Hollywood often overshadows the reality of life as a working actor. These talented individuals face unique challenges and must rely on a combination of skill, resilience, and determination to succeed in the competitive world of show business. This article will take you through seven essential aspects of the life of a working actor, shedding light on the daily grind and the keys to success in this demanding field.

Local Actor Kp Phagnasay

by Mallory Moad

There was a time when, if a person wanted to pursue an acting career in film and television, moving to Los Angeles was a necessity. You had to be near the action and readily available for casting calls and auditions. But thanks to twenty-first century technology and, to a certain degree, the Covid 19 shutdown of 2020, a serious actor no longer has to relocate to La La Land in order to find employment. Just ask Kp Phagnasay, a successful working actor who makes his home in Fresno.

