Helping Hands

Family Healing Center: “F” is for Family

by Steve Wright

I had somewhat of a difficult time deciding what to write about this month. There are so many things going on in our society that are disturbing and worthy of commentary. I am actually pretty tired of all the political discourse, so I have decided to stay away from that subject for the time being. The shooting of the Republican members of Congress at the yearly baseball game practice is a new low for violence associated with this political discourse. I am thankful all those who were shot will recover, and I pray for healing for all involved. I also pray that people can begin to see their way through the muck and the mire and begin to work together for the betterment of our great country.

Family Healing Center: Prevention is the Key

by Steve Wright

I took February off from writing an article as it was a busy month all the way around and our fundraising effort in February took a great deal of time. I spent a good deal of time talking about the impact of child abuse of every kind on our children, families and our society. It breaks my heart every time I talk about it because I have a difficult time with the realization that there are actually people out there who would and do victimize our children.

March for Science

by Ashley Hughes

On April 22, Central Valley residents will unite in a show of international solidarity and celebration of the scientific community by taking part in Fresno’s March for Science. The local March will be held in conjunction with hundreds of rallies around the globe and will bring attention to the validity of Climate Change and the danger that budget cuts to scientific research and political reviews of scientific findings pose to our society.

