Helping Hands

KCUSD Celebrates Earth Day

by Lorie Lewis Ham

Erica Sanchez, an English Language Arts teacher at Orange Cove High School has gotten her students very involved in Earth Day this year. "On Friday, April 10, Annie Shelton—Municipal Coordinator—from Waste Management came to talk to my ninth and tenth grade students about the benefits of recycling," shared Erica. "The students enjoyed her enthusiasm and knowledge. It was also helpful for the students to learn from someone other than me. They get to see why I am always nagging them to recycle their bottles, can, and paper in my own classroom."

Earth Day Fresno

by Tom Sims

Earth Day is both an event and a movement. As a movement, it makes a difference, as an event, it is not to be missed.
Locally, Earth Day is a project of a group of dedicated souls including co-coordinator, Radley Reep who says, “It’s great to see so many people at Earth Day each year. It’s the public’s event really – a day of hope for a better world. Besides, it’s fun to see what’s new in the way of green products and to rub shoulders with those who have made environmental stewardship a part of their everyday lives.”

Resurrected Books In Reedley, Giving Old Books New Life

by Sean Stephens

I am writing this article from inside Reedley's newest book store; Resurrected Books. As the name suggests, this is a used book store and their motto is, “Giving old books new life.” As I look around, I see the signs of well-loved old books. Some are weathered, dog eared, spine-wrinkled old things and others have library tags on them. Still others look fresh from the publisher, but they all have one thing in common: they have all been given a chance to be loved once again and for a great bargain.

Three Ecological Mysteries to Celebrate Earth Day

by Sharon Tucker

Earth day (April 22) always makes me long to be a flower child again. I want to wear Birkenstocks, put on a patchwork granny dress and to have flowers in my hair---all of which I did daily a number of years ago---except maybe the flowers. I want to spend the day outdoors in a sylvan setting, far away from the city where cars vibrate with rap music, and I want to be in a place where the internet is just a line of code on the breeze.

Heart of The Horse Therapy Ranch

by Lorie Lewis Ham

This week we are interviewing Guy Adams, the executive director of Heart of Horse Therapy Ranch just outside of Clovis, California where they use horses to provide therapy to people with all types of disabilities. He and his wife Carey started the Ranch. Video interview with Guy at the end of this post about their new program for Veterans.

