mental health

Taking the Helm in the Maelstrom of Mental Health Disorder

by staff

Across the turbulent seas of life, mental health and addiction often coalesce into powerful storms that threaten our wellness. These challenges, while daunting, are not insurmountable. Below are several concrete strategies that can help individuals regain control over their mental health struggles, navigate through the storm, and move toward the calm waters of recovery.

Next to Normal On Stage at the Selma Arts Center

by Lorie Lewis Ham

Lately, we have seen a lot of shows on the darker side—we started off with Sweeney Todd in Visalia, then The Bad Seed at 2nd Space, and now Next to Normal in Selma. While all three shows are wonderful and wonderfully done, Next to Normal is the one among them that is most likely to strike a chord with many because of its realistic portrayal of mental illness. It is also the most likely to have you reaching for the tissues.

How to Decorate Your Home for a Calmer Vibe

by staff

If you lead a busy lifestyle, you might find it hard to relax when you're home. Even if you have a room set aside as your own personal sanctuary, the colors and items around you can influence the atmosphere of the space. To help keep your home filled with a calmer and more peaceful vibe, there are several simple ways to transform the look and feel of any room. Here are a few ways to help make your home into a sanctuary.

5 Ways Veterans Can Improve Their Mental Health

by staff

Every time nations engage in war with one another, the ones to lose the most are the soldiers, who are the frontline defenders of their respective countries. US military veterans have proven their strength in battle numerous times in the recent past. It gets you thinking of what it must be like for these war heroes to live with those memories.

Carmel’s Notes: A former caregiver’s reflections and looking forward

by Carmel Christine

It’s been twelve years since the lightening bolt of change pierced through the effervescent life of my one and only. It is still too heartbreaking to recount, that night, those times, but it changed everything and everyone around him and us and my future hopes. Thankful his life was spared, that was the hardest part of watching his mind taken over. But the best part was watching it unfold to the saved, strengthened and reshaped mind it is, and he is now, both mentally and physically. Now, sharp, keen, determined and skillful in his profession.

4 Benefits of Mental Health Counseling

by Staff

Mental health is a complex topic. Unlike physical ailments, the process to remedy mental health issues is not linear. A counselor has to work diligently to track down the source of the problem, understand the client's circumstances, and administer help accordingly. However, at the same time, mental health counseling enables clients to deal with an array of situations.

Seven Tips to Improve Your Mental Health

by Staff

Spring is arriving and as the weather has started to warm up, we are opening our windows to let in some fresh air. Many of us have started to prepare our homes for the spring and as we declutter our physical spaces, it is equally necessary to remember to let go of the mental clutter as well. It is a good time to let our minds catch a breath of fresh air as well.

