
FIRE! A History Of Reedley’s Volunteer Fire Department (PART II)

by Jim Bulls

I became a Reedleyite in 1947 and I was in for a culture shock the first time I went out in Aunt Geneva’s backyard to play with the neighborhood kids. The countries represented included Mexico, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Russia, Italy, Portugal, Armenia, Lebanon, Japan, and Korea, to name a few! John Steinbeck introduced California to the new immigrants called “Okies” of which I was one, wearing high top shoes and overalls. But the games we played were all the same: kick the can, statue, or mother may I. My first friend was a Portuguese kid named Danny Enos, who lived down the street. We would usually meet at Ayubes Market for a coke or ice cream.

Social Capital

by Rocky Rogers

Have you ever heard the term 'social capital'? It’s not something the typical citizen would use in a conversation, that’s for sure. You most likely have heard the terms volunteer, civic duty, social events, and visitation used at some point. Social capital captures those ideas…

Pursuing Peace

by Lorie Lewis Ham

As we celebrate Independence Day, a day made possible through war, it seems appropriate to look at the other side of war: peace. There has always been opposition to war for various reasons, and I think most people truly wish for peace in this world. Sadly, human nature seems to prevent that from happening but…

