Sybil Johnson

Ghosts of Painting Past By Sybil Johnson: Review/Giveaway

by Sandra Murphy

Rory Anderson is a computer programmer but has a talent for painting—as in Christmas ornaments and the like. She and her friend Liz are set to sell their wares at a craft sale. Kicking off the holiday season are concerts, a pier lighting ceremony, and the annual sand-snowman contest. That is, snowmen built from sand. After all, this is Vista Beach, California, where actual snow is unlikely.

A Palette for Murder By Sybil Johnson: Review/Giveaway

by Cynthia Chow

Los Angeles’s Vista Beach may be in the middle of an August heat wave, but the high temperature is not what leads to the hospitalization of the homeless man known as Kit. After being led to Kit’s unconscious body by his loyal dog Buddy, freelance software designer Rory Anderson discovers that her friend had first been attacked and beaten. It’s one of many crimes plaguing the heat-ridden coast, with a series of home break-ins ultimately culminating in murder.

