by Lorie Lewis Ham
Here is your weekly reminder that there are also new articles up on our other website KRL News & Reviews! Every week there will be book reviews and giveaways, plus sometimes pet articles, theatre articles, and more! So don’t miss out-if you read us through a subscription that goes to your email you can sign up over on KRL News & Reviews for the same thing for the articles posted there! In the meantime just hop on over there and see what we have up this week!
Also don’t forget to check out our mystery podcast! It’s really simple to listen just click on the link and then click play on whichever episode you want to listen to. While it is also on iTunes and Google Play, if you don’t have those just going to the podcast website is as simple as pie! Don’t miss out on this new mystery and theatre fun! New podcast going up on Tuesday that will feature an excerpt from a Haunted Bookshop Mystery by Cleo Coyle!