
Queer Mystery Coming Attractions October 2021

by Matt Lubbers-Moore

Hard to believe fall is almost upon us. Here in Michigan, the sun is going down earlier, the temperature is manageable again, and kids are back in school. I work for an academic library, and this time of year is so exciting for me. I love to see all of the fresh and eager faces making their way around campus and in the library. I am glad to know that the school has taken a hard line regarding vaccinations and testing and hoping that the worst of the Delta variant is soon to be behind us so that we can finally look forward to visiting with family and friends for all of the fall and winter holidays.

Queer Mystery Coming Attractions: July 2021

by Matt Lubbers-Moore

This Pride season has been very quiet as most cities and towns near me in West Michigan were done virtually or postponed to the fall. However, I did manage to set up a booth at the Lowell Pride. Lowell Pride was the first time Lowell had attempted to put on a pride event in this small conservative town, and despite the three protestors, the event was a huge success. It had estimated 300-500 people would come and were surprised when over 2,000 people came. It was wonderful to see all of the youth, the couples, the seniors, and all of the colors of the rainbow flag!! I must admit that my husband and I had a chart of all the different flags so that we could keep track of them all. It was beautiful, and it made me happy to be out and among my “family!”

Queer Mystery Writers Coming Attractions April 2021

by Matt Lubbers-Moore

For a part time job, I work at Argos Books in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It is a used book and comic book store. Today I had a customer come up and ask me if we had Jack Kerouac's On the Road. This is a book we are constantly asked for by young people just discovering literature outside of young adult novels, along with 1984, Animal Farm, A Handmaid’s Tale, Fahrenheit 451, and Slaughterhouse Five. The customer today slaughtered the name Kerouac.

