
The Benefits of Instagram for Businesses

by Staff

Instagram is a great way to promote your business and get people to gain interest in what you have to offer. Instagram offers so many benefits when used as an advertising platform including the fact that Instagram offers a large variety of ways to target such as location, age, interests, and gender. When you use these filters, you connect to your potential customers that may have an interest in your product or service.

The hashtag guide for Instagram

by Staff

Are you trying to become popular on Instagram but have no idea how to do this? Have you discovered just how helpful hashtags can be when it comes to marketing on Instagram, but want to know how to use them efficiently and effectively?

Bogged Down With Blogs?

by Sunny Frazier

Marketing. Promotion. Tooting your own horn. The bane of the writing life--or a boost? You're hoping to hear someone say, “I'll take care of that aspect of the industry. Your job is to write.” Am I right? Someone who will take the burden off your shoulders, tell the world about your book, make sales for you so you can spend your valuable time sitting at your computer cranking out the next novel. Fugetaboutit!

