
The Silence of Stones By Jeri Westerson: Review/Giveaway

by Lorie Lewis Ham

The Silence of Stones is the latest Medieval Noir mystery written by Jeri Westerson. It features Tracker Crispin Guest, a former knight who was accused of treason and stripped of everything. To survive, he has turned to his considerable deductive skills and become basically the first detective, though they call him the Tracker. He has managed to survive using these skills, providing a meager life for himself and his apprentice Jack Tucker, a former thief.

Cup of Blood By Jeri Westerson

by Sharon Tucker

Inigo Montoya insisted on going “back to the beginning” in The Princess Bride and we get to do just that in Jeri Westerson’s most recent novel, Cup of Blood. Can we be at the seventh volume in the Crispin Guest series already? I began reading the books a little over a year ago, intrigued by the notion of “medieval noir,” and curious as to how the author would make noir traditions work in the time of Richard II. In addition, I hadn’t read a book set in the 14th century since Anya Seton’s Katherine.

