Keri Arthur

Flameout By Keri Arthur: Review/Giveaway

by Lorie Lewis Ham

Flameout is set in Melbourne, Australia and is the third book in the Souls of Fire series by Keri Arthur. There is a plague in the city called the Crimson Death which turns people into a new sort of vampire/zombie type creature called Red Cloaks. Most of those infected become a part of a hive that is run by someone from Emberly Pearson's past--the brother of her former love Sam.

City of Light By Keri Arthur: Review/Giveaway/Interview

by Terrance Mc Arthur

Science fiction, fantasy, and paranormal books are all about world-building, creating an alternate reality with details that try to make them consistent and…real. In City of Light, Keri Arthur has built a reality, world, and history that takes the impossible and makes it matter-of-fact to at least one character Tiger, a seductress-spy who should have died a hundred years ago in the shifter/human war if it hadn’t been for the test-tube mix of shifter, vampire, and tiger DNA that had been dosed with an immunity to all known poisons. She can change body shape and scent, read other people’s minds during sex, travel swiftly as molecules in darkness, and has acquired massive combat skills over the last century of practice.

Best Books of 2015

by KRL staff

Another year has come to a close and the main reviewers of KRL have been asked to pick their top 5 books of 2015, but some of us couldn’t keep it to 5! Let us know if you have a few we haven’t mentioned you’d like to share about in the comments, and while you are here check KRL’s book review section for many more great books that may not have made it on the list!

Darkness Falls By Keri Arthur

by Terrance Mc Arthur

In Keri Arthur’s Dark Angels series, Risa Jones is trying to find the keys to the gates of Hell, keys hidden by her power-mad father. The problem is that a face-changing sorceress keeps stealing each key that Risa finds, and a council-queen vampire is demanding the keys so she can let Hell loose and take over world. Why does she want to do this? She’s a powerful vamp…and she’s crazy in all the worst ways.

Fireborn By Keri Arthur

by Lorie Lewis Ham

Fireborn is the first in a brand new series from fantasy author Keri Arthur and features a Phoenix named Emberly Pearson. Emberly is capable of taking human form and has the ability to foresee death. The book opens with Emberly trying to save the life of her former lover, Sam, but when she does, she steps into something far more dangerous than she expected, and finds Sam has changed.

Staff Picks For Favorite Books of 2013

by KRL Reviewers

KRL reviewed a lot of really good and great books in 2013, but we decided to give our best shot at choosing our top 5 of the year--some of us cheated a little, but here are our choices! And if you are an author who is not on the list, take heart--like I said, they were all good books!

Darkness Splintered By Keri Arthur

by Terrance Mc Arthur

Risa Jones, half-werewolf and half-Aedh (angelic spirit), is pregnant by her former-soul-guide-Reaper lover, Azriel, and is being forced by vampires, rebel Aedh priests and her not-of-this-world father to search for the missing keys to the gates of Heaven and Hell. The keys keep getting stolen from her by dark mages in the Dark Angels series of paranormals by Keri Arthur.

