Animal Rescue of Fresno

Animal Rescue of Fresno: The Lucky Charm Club

by Wendy Hunter

Howdy boys and girls, and welcome to a questionable Fall season. It’s November, and today’s temp is 81 degrees, but just a couple weeks ago, it was 93, and my air conditioning began wondering if it would ever get a break. I’m still not sure if I should bust out my winter coat or keep my strappy sandals close by for another unexpected heat wave. By the time you read this, Halloween will have come and gone, without the laughter of kids in costumes or the sound of their feet as they scamper down the sidewalk.

Animal Rescue of Fresno—American Pie

by Wendy Hunter

Well, hidey ho neighbors and welcome back sports fans, to a new improved world where home runs and touchdowns have become this country’s Band-Aid. People are cheering and clapping for their favorite teams, icing down tubs of Coors Light, and sharing plates of nachos, jalapeño poppers, hot dogs, and juicy cheeseburgers. Of course, this is all being enjoyed in cozy living rooms, at a very safe social distance.

Animal Rescue of Fresno: SIT, STAY, SANITIZE, REPEAT

by Wendy Hunter

My fellow Americans, the world has officially gone mad. People are sheltering in place with Netflix and Domino’s, while trying to keep the kindergarteners entertained. This is the time when we earth dwellers need to find a common ground and be there for one another during this crazy, germ-filled crisis. Instead of stock-piling all the Kleenex, Purell, and Lysol we can find, let’s think about our fellow man.

Animal Rescue of Fresno: Losing an Owner

by Wendy Hunter

My father was a good man. Tall and lanky, kind and good humored. He truly had a dog who loved him. During the four short weeks my dad bravely fought a losing battle with Stage 4 Lung Cancer, Miss Cocoa never left his side. When we brought him home from the hospital, I thought Cocoa was going to implode from excitement.

Animal Rescue of Fresno: National Adopt a Senior Pet Month

by Wendy Hunter

Well, it finally happened. They said it would, and they were right. They told me to wait it out, be patient, and just hang in there. It was only for a few months, a couple more weeks, then three days later the worst would be over. That’s what they said. I said something back, but it really isn’t fit to print. But, just like every other bit of bad behavior I have exhibited since May, I blamed it on the weather

Animal Rescue of Fresno: Pico

by Wendy Hunter

They say when you least expect it, love finds you. You’re strolling down the street, minding your own business, when Cupid appears and stops you in your tracks. Before you know it, his arrow hits you square in the chest. You’re feeling warm and fuzzy, a bit lightheaded.

Animal Rescue of Fresno: A Look Back at 2017

by Wendy Hunter

Well kids, the year 2017 has finally tucked its tired tail between its legs and is officially leaving the building. Let’s all say it together; good riddance! What a tumultuous twelve months it’s been, and we’ve seen it all from the Good; an amazing Total Solar Eclipse, the Bad; Mother Nature’s wrath of wildfires and hurricanes, and the Ugly; cruel terrorist attacks and heartless massacres.

