
Interview With Local Author Kara Lucas

by Lorie Lewis Ham

This week we are interviewing Clovis YA author Kara Lucas whose first book Finding Pony just came out. We also have a few questions for her publisher, Dan Dunklee of HBE books who also happens to own the Book Barn in Clovis. Details at the end of this post on how to enter to win a copy of Finding Pony, and a link to purchase it.

City Without Orphans – Forever Homes

by Tom Sims

Little Billy stands at the window and looks out with a gaze that balances hope and disappointment. Mommy is scheduled to visit. Billy is dressed in his Sunday best. His hair is combed to one side. He stares into the dark sunlight of an endless day bringing no fulfillment. Mommy never comes. Billy is, for all practical purposes, an orphan.

The Odd Life of Timothy Green & ParaNorman: Two Family End of Summer Movies!

by Sheryl Wall

The Odd Life of Timothy Green is about a couple named Jim and Cindy Green, played by Joel Edgerton and Jennifer Garner, that have tried to have a baby and are disappointed yet again after their last doctor visit. They go home and try to go on with life realizing they will never be parents. To cope they end up writing down what they envision their child to be like, and their hopes and dreams for their child. They put those in a box and bury it in the garden. In the night there is a thunderstorm and they awake to find a boy in their home that calls them Mom and Dad.

Seven Little Words

by Joyce Brandon

Recently I was reading an article on exercising your brain (not that I think I’m losing mine or anything) and ran across a little game where you try to tell a story in just seven words. I thought this might be a fun little thing to run by our ACT Facebook friends so I asked them to tell us their rescue story in just seven words. I expected a few to respond but never expected close to seventy!

The Cat House on the Kings

by Rochelle Noblett

Along a lazy stretch of the Kings River, an unlikely tourist destination is developing. Overnight visitors have been arriving from across the globe to see this incredible place, The Cat House on the Kings. Lynea Lattanzio's intention was to get away but that soon changed…

Russian Legacy

by Kristalyn Patzkowski

As both a writer and an artist, I am required to observe and examine situations from different points of views. In fact, I often find myself criticizing my own life. At first glance, it seems idealistic.

