Helping Hands

Could food waste be the greatest contributor to your carbon footprint?

by Maria Ramos

We tend to think of agriculture as environmentally neutral; a lot of it grows on trees, after all. But overproduction has a major negative environmental impact, consuming precious resources, such as water and fertilizer, and producing staggering amounts of carbon emissions and poisoned water runoff. Considering these impacts, National Geographic’s report that over a third of all the food produced in the world is lost or wasted is all the more surprising.

Sunnyside Bicycles: Back To School

by Vanessa McCracken

It’s Back-to-School time, and that means lots of kids and adults are riding their bikes to get back and forth to school. Our service departments at both locations have been busy tuning up bikes and doing free safety checks to help make everyone’s commute a smooth one, and we wanted to share a few quick things you can do at home to help make your ride to school better.

The Master Gardener Vision

by Kathy Eide Casas

Brown is the New Green…this familiar reminder is sprouting up all over California as we enter another year of the historic drought. For those who want to remain water-wise but still want to enjoy all the benefits that plants, trees and flowers have to offer, more residential gardeners than ever are turning to the experts who are on hand 24/7, to offer tips, advice and knowledge– The Master Gardeners.

Environmentally Conscious Tech to Help You Stay Green

by Maria Ramos

Technology often seems at odds with the Earth. Cords from laptop and smartphone chargers devour energy and traditional gas-powered vehicles spout global warming-causing emissions from their exhaust pipes into the air. However, some of the latest technology has in recent years begun to turn that around. As environmentally conscious lifestyles have started to become the norm, people are taking notice and are making it easier to incorporate greener choices in our daily lives.

Strolling Earth Day – a Follow Up

by Tom Sims

I decided to follow up on the article I wrote about the upcoming Earth day events in Fresno by visiting Fresno’s Earth Day last Saturday at Radio Park. The result was that I ended up with far too many ideas and impressions to report, fodder for future articles, and inspiration for networking and implementing new ideas. It was worth the three hours I invested.

Downstream By Betty Jean Craige: Review/Guest Post/Giveaway

by Sandra Murphy
& Betty Jean Craige

At the age of twenty I could not have imagined that in retirement I would write about a five-legged frog, a dog with un-descended testicles whose mother birthed him at the age of sixteen, two lovely post-menopausal ladies who got pregnant in their fifties, and twenty-four healthy centenarian gentlemen with swelling breasts. But neither could I have imagined back then that we'd be polluting our rivers, lakes, and streams with estrogen, anti-depressants, and tranquilizers. Who takes estrogen?

Bittersweet By Susan Wittig Albert: Review/Interview/Giveaway

by Sandra Murphy

It’s Thanksgiving in Pecan Springs, Texas where China Bayles runs the local herb shop. It's full of all the fresh plants, wreaths, soaps, lotions and books you could imagine. Her business partner, Ruby, will mind the shop as well as her own (New Age) while China visits her mom, Leatha, and stepdad Sam. Stepdaughter Caitie is riding with China, hubby McQuaid is bringing stepson Brian. It sounds like a blended family but with them, it’s seamless.

