What Eats Beetles? Find 5 of Nature’s Top Predators Dining on Them

Dec 13, 2023 | 2023 Articles, Community

by staff

If you’ve ever stumbled upon beetles in the garden, you’ll know how frustrating and destructive they can be. They’re annoying, hard to kill, and have a penchant for munching on plants.

Luckily, beetles have their fair share of natural predators that keep their population in check. It’s fascinating and sometimes surprising to learn about the hunting habits of these predators.

In this post, we’ll uncover what eats beetles that love to dine on.

1. Birds
Many bird species hunt beetles, including sparrows and wrens. Thrushes, warblers, and woodpeckers are also known to prey on beetles. These birds can detect the presence of beetles using their keen sight and hearing.
Once they’ve zeroed in on their target, they’ll swoop down and snatch it up with their beaks. Birds are attracted to beetles because of their high protein content, making them a nutritious meal, especially during breeding season.

2. Spiders
Spiders are natural beetle predators that belong to the arachnid family. They hunt by ambushing their prey or by weaving webs to trap them. Some species of spiders use venom to kill beetles and break down their insides into a liquid.
The spiders then proceed to suck out the liquid, leaving the beetles deflated. Spiders may not be the most pleasant animals to have around, but they play an essential role in reducing beetle populations.

3. Ants
Some ants feed on beetles as part of their diet. They may hunt individually or in a group, depending on the ant species and beetle size. Some ant species, like the Formica subsericea, use a unique hunting strategy.
They’ll surround the beetle, biting and spraying acid on it until it’s weakened. Then, the ants will take the beetle back to their nests to feed their young.

4. Beetles
One of the top predators in nature that feeds on beetles is, surprisingly, other beetles. Buffalo beetles, also known as carrion beetles, are known for their scavenging behavior and are often found feeding on other dead insects, including other beetles. They are equipped with strong mandibles that allow them to break through tough beetle exoskeletons.
In addition to other beetles, buffalo beetles may also be preyed upon by birds, small mammals, and even spiders. Despite their tough outer shell, beetles are still vulnerable to being eaten and act as an important food source for many animals in the food chain.

5. Frogs
Who would have thought that amphibians were also on the list of beetle predators? Frogs are the masters of surprise attacks. They’ll wait by the pond or river, watching as unsuspecting hidden beetles land on the water’s surface.
Then, in a single swift motion, they’ll snap their tongue at lightning speed to catch the beetle. Frogs are stealthy predators and are an effective way of controlling beetle populations near water bodies.

Find What Eats Beetles From Your Home and Outside

Beetles may seem small and insignificant, but what eats beetles? However, they are not without their enemies, with nature’s top predators including birds, reptiles, mammals, and other insects feasting on these insects.

As we continue to learn about the diverse and intricate relationships within our ecosystem, let us also remember to appreciate and protect all creatures, big and small, that call it home.

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