Fresno Bully Rescue: Kazoo

Jun 20, 2020 | 2020 Articles, Animal Rescue Adventures

by Terese Shaw

Terese Shaw is an FBR Adoptions Coordinator for Fresno Bully Rescue. FBR shares their animal rescue adventures with us every other month. You can find more of their columns here and on KRL News & Reviews.

First and foremost FBR would like to express our humble gratitude towards our extraordinary supporters, adopters, and fosters who have helped when we needed it the most. Though time will pass and life return to a more normal pace, your invaluable support will be remembered. You made sure our dogs were well taken care, and they appreciate you!


Now, let me tell you about a confident and lively fella that goes by the name of Kazoo whose strongest attribute to offer an adopter is that he will always give you a reason to smile! A friend like Kazoo, with his joy for life, will have you up daily with a happy greeting, making you ready to take on the day. But I need to add that his cuddling skills are pretty on point, too.

He is a ball-catching superstar who loves spending time with friends of all ages. Maybe a major league team could benefit from his ball catching skills?! A perfect day for Kazoo includes going for a jog or playing ball, then snuggling up for a nap on your lap. Kazoo wouldn’t mind sharing his home with another dog, but he is very enthusiastic and would need a dog that has a playful energy. If your family loves going on adventures and wants a best friend to join in on the fun, from hiking to drive-in movies to Frisbee tournaments, you might be the perfect match for sweet, silly boy. He would be a superstar on any agility course and could crush the competition if trained for flyball.

Kazoo is medium sized, so perfect for traveling, totally house-trained, and knows some basic commands. We know his best friend will come along, and if you think you might be the right fit for him, you can find his album through our website, Kazoo will be waiting, don’t forget the tennis balls and be ready to smile.

Check out more animal rescue stories in our Pet Perspective section here in KRL and on our sister website KRL News & Reviews. Advertise in KRL and 10% of your advertising fees can go to Fresno Bully Rescue.

We also have a pets newsletter that is still a work in progress, but it will be letting our readers know about all of the pet and animal rescue related articles that went up that month/months so you never miss a thing. We also hope to provide some additional content and maybe even some pet related giveaways. You can use this box to subscribe!

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