Valley Animal Center: Young Dog Faces Long-term Condition Due to Neglect

Jun 15, 2024 | 2024 Articles, Animal Rescue Adventures, Pets

by Juan Guitron, Valley Animal Center Content Creator

It’s heartbreaking to witness the all-too-common story of neglect that affects many of the dogs we take in. Often, signs of distress and illness go unnoticed until it’s too late, leaving these pets in desperate need of care and love by the time they reach us.


Meet Rocket (28304), a young Pit Bull mix who recently joined our furry family. Despite her sweet and timid nature, she craves affection, hoping for a gentle touch to ease her pain. But beneath her shy exterior lies a tragic tale of neglect.

“She’s a very sweet dog,” says our animal care operations supervisor, Martiza Lopez. “As soon as I opened the door she was cowering with a slight smile waiting to be petted.”

Rocket suffers from untreated Demodex, a skin condition caused by mites, leaving her furless and vulnerable. Despite our efforts, her once-luxurious coat may never fully return, exposing her to risks like sunburn and skin cancer.

“This is another case of neglect,” says Lopez “someone saw something was wrong and did nothing about it.”

Yet, despite her suffering, Rocket’s spirit remains unbroken. She still trusts humans and seeks affection, a testament to her resilience.

“She is still a fun loving dog, great with other people,” says Lopez. “Potential adopters should be aware her fur might not grow back and might need to take extra steps to care for her skin.”

Her road to recovery will be long, and she won’t be available for adoption until fully healed. But you can help dogs like Rocket get the second chance they deserve. Your donations provide vital support for their care and treatment.

Consider making a donation on behalf of Rocket and animals like her. Show them that kindness still exists and that they are valued and loved.

Please visit to donate. Your generosity means the world to us and the animals in our care. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Email: info@valleyanimal[dot]org
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