Mind Games and Hollywood Flames: Far Out Unveils the Blurred Edges of Reality

Jan 10, 2024 | 2023 Articles, Mysteryrat's Maze

by Khaled Talib

Inspired by real-life tales of dissociative amnesia, I jumped into crafting this thriller after stumbling upon a news story about a guy who, post-coma, fully embraced a stranger’s identity.

Following the doc’s advice to treat the recovering dude with kid gloves, his fam opted for a laid-back approach, steering clear of any heavy-handed tactics.

In the world of dissociative amnesia, the person’s mind often takes a detour into a wild fantasy land, where every sight pushes them into an alternate reality—thinking they might be a super spy or a chef.

Dissociative amnesia kicks in when the mind hits the snooze button on crucial self-info, creating memory gaps as a defense mechanism against nasty or traumatic stuff. Different from your run-of-the-mill forgetfulness, these memories stick around but play hard to get.

In my novel, a Hollywood A-lister named Goldie Saint Helen battles this condition, made worse by her shady lawyer, who’s also her conservator.

As the tale unfolds into an action-packed caper, it’s not just about the thrills—it’s a heads-up to those around the struggling star’s husband and protagonist, Blake Deco, to keep his eyes peeled for potential scammers.

Taking a cue from Britney Spears’ legal tussle to end her conservatorship, run by her pops since ’08, my novel digs into the criticisms of such legal setups. Born out of a public mental health mess, the conservatorship got a bad rap for alleged power abuse.

While these legal gigs usually run smooth with an honest appointee, Far Out digs into the chaos when mistakes happen, and a shady plot takes root in the conservatorship.

So, jump on board this roller-coaster of mystery and cautionary tale where reality and deception go toe-to-toe, stealing the spotlight.

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Khaled Talib, born and raised in Singapore, is a former magazine journalist and public relations consultant. Far Out, published by Running Wild Press, is his fifth novel. The author is also a member of the International Thriller Writers. His hobbies include baking, running, reading, traveling, and managing an abundance of household plants. To learn more about him, please visit khaledtalibthriller.com.

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