Amy Patricia Meade

Mystery Coming Attractions: November 2023

by Shawn Stevens

Can you believe the holidays are just around the corner, and as temperatures begin to dip, our cozy sweaters come out from hibernation, and the allure of curling up with a good book grows stronger. This November, why not indulge your love for reading by exploring these latest releases? Find that perfect spot to kick up your feet, unwind, and immerse yourself in the enchanting worlds waiting within the pages of these November treasures.

Cookin’ the Books By Amy Patricia Meade: Review/Giveaway/Guest Post

by Kathleen Costa
& Amy Patricia Meade

Letitia “Tish” Tarragon divorced a year ago and moving on entails opening up a restaurant and catering business in a historic early twentieth century clapboard building in Hobson Glen, Virginia. Cookin’ the Books Café combines the best of two worlds…books and food. She has labeled herself and her style as a “literary caterer.” She can provide a Midsummer’s Night lawn party, Great Gatsby gala, Wonderland tea party, or a Christie-inspired murder mystery dinner. She also has cookbooks from around the world and a lending library for all to enjoy.

