Wilson Cleveland

Web Series Pilot For Intricate Vengeance

by Lorie Lewis Ham

I enjoy discovering web series--there are so many great ones out there that more people need to know about! Recently I discovered an absolutely amazing pilot for a new web series called Intricate Vengeance! It turns out that it is from the creative mind of someone we have chatted with before--writer, actor, producer, and director Wilson Cleveland. So we took some time to chat with him about this amazing new series!

Streamy Awards Preview

by Lorie Lewis Ham, Chris Lovato,
& Jessica Runnels

This Sunday is the fourth annual Streamy Awards for online video. KRL has previously reviewed some of the web series nominated this year and we are reposting here our reviews of those nominated series: Lizzie Bennet Diaries, Chosen, and Bravest Warriors. A review of Emma Approved, also nominated, will be up this Saturday morning!

Leap Year: Web Series Review & Creator Interview

by Lorie Lewis Ham

Thanks to my daughter I recently began watching web series and find I have fallen in love with this fairly new style of entertainment. The length of episodes (generally running from 5 to 10 minutes) is perfect for my busy lifestyle--I can sit down and take a quick break and enjoy an episode or two. What has amazed me is the incredible quality that is out there--they easily rival the quality of big budget TV.

