
Being Human, US & UK Versions: TV Review

by Lauryn Crum

To be human: breathing, eating, sleeping, running, laughing, crying, wanting, missing, loving, losing, talking, yelling, whispering, staying up late, long car rides, adventures, funny faces, music, movies, comfort, and life. All these things we associate with being alive and being ourselves. What if all this was taken away from you by dying and turning into a ghost, being bitten by a vampire or by a werewolf?

Or Equivalent Experience: An Original Short Story

by Mary Reed

Because she was an employee of We Keep Up Your Spirits Inc., at first no-one took Madam Granowski seriously, even after she dramatically interrupted an afternoon panel on Dyslexic Ouija Boards and What To Do About Them. This she contrived by rushing in screaming about a manifestation in the bathroom before fainting at the foot of the podium. I was there at the time, and it certainly impressed me. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Chasing Spirits by Ghost Hunter Nick Groff: Book Review/Interview/Giveaway

by Claire Lang

Nick Groff, with the help Jeff Belanger, has a very strong personal voice in Chasing Spirits: The Building Of The Ghost Adventure Crew. In fact such a strong voice that it is easy to imagine hearing him tell you his story. As a reader, I like a good story teller’s voice. When someone is writing their personal stories, it’s nice to “hear” their voice as you read. In spite, or perhaps because, of Nick’s salty language you feel as if his narrative is live. Reading his story is much like sitting at dinner with a friend as he tells you about his day.

Getting ready for Halloween? Stop in at the Drake–666 Park Ave.: TV Review

by Deborah Harter Williams

This supernatural drama series (ABC, Sunday at 10 p.m.) stars Terry O’Quinn (Lost) and Vanessa Williams (Desperate Housewives, Ugly Betty) as the rich and creepy Dorans, owners of the fabulous Drake apartment building on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Rachael Taylor (Charlie’s Angels, Transformers) and David Annable (Brothers & Sisters) play Jane and Henry, the young couple who land the plum job of resident managers for this elegant Beaux Arts building.

Teen Wolf: TV Review

by Jesus Ibarra

If you had told me before last summer that MTV would start making great scripted shows, I would have laughed at you. If you had told me that that show would be a re-imagining on the popular Teen Wolf movie from the 80s that featured teenagers and lacrosse, I would have told you that you have no idea what good television is.

