
Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month Spotlight: Brian “Head” Welch and Jennea Welch

by Steven Sanchez

Suicide amongst Americans has become an epidemic in this country. The statistics of those taking their own lives is staggering. According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention on average, there are 129 suicides per day; in 2017, firearms accounted for 50.57% of all suicide deaths. Based on research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the U.S. for all ages, there is one death by suicide in the U.S. every twelve minutes, and suicide takes the lives of over 44,965 Americans every year.

Surviving Suicide and Finding Hope in Tomorrow

by Maricela Estrada-Moreno

My mother told me she lost track of how many times I tried killing myself. The truth is so have I. It wasn’t until my last suicide attempt that I had a broad awakening. I actually almost died by an overdose. It is by God’s grace that I survived it. I overdosed on all my medication. My roommate did not realize what I did the night before and didn’t call 911 until the morning when she was getting ready for work.

National Suicide Prevention Week 2017

by Noah Whitaker

I’ve worked in the field of suicide prevention for nearly a decade. In that time I have seen and experienced a lot of interesting things. National Suicide Prevention Week, which falls September 10-16, 2017, is a perfect time to reflect upon some of the changes and advancements, as well as looking forward to the future.

Mental Health Awareness Month: A more accurate picture of suicide & suicide risk

by Noah Whitaker

May is Mental Health Awareness Month (MHAM). This is a chance to learn about signs and symptoms of mental illnesses and help fight stigma that keeps people from receiving vital care. This month’s column won’t focus directly on MHAM, but upon a recent challenge in the mental health field, the Netflix Original series 13 Reasons Why, which since its release has generated a lot of buzz, especially from mental health and suicide prevention organizations.

Suicide Prevention, The Value of Collaborations, Part 2: How and What

by Noah Whitaker

Our last article explored bringing folks to the table to address suicide, or who. We’ll now assume you’ve at least rounded up a few interested folks. If you don’t have a large and diverse group, don’t worry, you can work on that over time. This is a process of continually developing new partnerships, inviting new people and organizations to the table, and constantly improving and strengthening your efforts.

Suicide Prevention, The Value of Collaborations, part 1: Who?

by Noah Whitaker

Suicide is a complex behavior just as we all are complex individuals. A suicidal person can be a person at any point on our walk through life. There are greater risks and protective factors present, but suicide can occur among all races, ages, religious affiliations or philosophies (or lack thereof), economic statuses, ages, and professions. It is important to remember this complexity when thinking about approaching prevention efforts.

Suicide Prevention–Get Involved

by Noah Whitaker

Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States. More than forty-four thousand people die by suicide annually. Each death leaves behind survivors of suicide loss, including partners, family, friends, co-workers, schoolmates, and others. Often, these survivors are in need of resources such as support groups, counseling, and opportunities to take action. In many areas these supports are not available. This creates an opportunity for survivors to turn their experiences into advocacy and help bring resources into their community and/or join existing efforts.

Tulare & Kings Counties Suicide Prevention Task Force: Being A Survivor

by Noah Whitaker

January is a time of renewal, an opportunity for a fresh start. Many people work to better themselves via their New Year resolutions. For some, however, like me, January is different. It doesn’t tend to be a time to look forward, but rather it is a time for reflection—especially for those who have lost someone to suicide. There is a common saying among survivors of loss that suicide does not end pain, it simply transfers it onto others.

Holiday Blues

by Noah Whitaker

The holidays are a magical time. It is as if the glitter and twinkle of lights, the reddening of noses, and an echoed cough or sneeze all coalesce into the spirit of the season. This is the time of year I look forward to most. People tend to give a little more of themselves be it time, finances, or simple good will. Life becomes a little better.

