Should Have Played Poker

Bringing an Orphaned Book Back to Life

by Debra H. Goldstein

I recently gave an in-person library talk. Before any one arrived, I carefully stood the five Sarah Blair titles from One Taste Too Many through Five Belles Too Many up on a table so the library patrons would be able to see the wonderful covers Kensington commissioned. As people came in, I engaged with them. A few bought Sarah Blair books before my talk began. One woman, though, simply stared at my display.

Should Have Played Poker By Debra H. Goldstein: Review/Giveaway

by Cynthia Chow

The last person attorney Carrie Martin would have expected to see in her office on a Sunday morning was her mother. It had been twenty-six years since Charlotte Martin walked out on her family, and Carrie has had no contact with her mother since that heart-breaking day. Charlotte claims that she is fulfilling the promise she made to her husband; finally deliver a letter to Carrie explaining why Charlotte had to leave so long ago.

