Here Kitty-Kitty: An Animal Rescue Adventure
Our Central Valley has a black eye with its high animal kill rates; but, there are some exciting things happening with our small communities and change is just around the corner.
Our Central Valley has a black eye with its high animal kill rates; but, there are some exciting things happening with our small communities and change is just around the corner.
Living in the Valley, we have all experienced driving somewhere and noticing a stray dog aimlessly running around. How many stop and try to help? How many of those dogs actually are rescued or end up fending for themselves or end up as road kill? Fresno County euthanizes thousands of dogs every year because of overpopulation.
Pet rescue. We’ve all heard of it. A lot of us engage in it. But what is it, really? And why is it necessary? The simple answer? There are a lot more pets out there than people who want them. Why is that? Many reasons. Sometimes people take on pets they can’t continue to care for because of problems in their own lives. Sometimes the pets develop behavior issues the owners can’t or don’t want to deal with.
Not long ago, Danielle, was homeless. She had returned to Dinuba in her desire to be closer to her two sons, who lived with their father. "I had previously been in a battle with both alcoholism and personal issues. My life had seemed hopeless, but I found hope in Jesus Christ. So, I put my life in His hands."