Gary Hoffman

Christmas Messages By Gary Hoffman: A Christmas Mystery Short Story

by Gary Hoffman

As Susan was struggling to open her front door, she thought of her Uncle Theodore. He always had some cute little saying or adage from somewhere else. One of them he said came from Germany and translated into English as, "A lazy man will carry himself to death." She was beginning to believe it as she tried to carry three bags of groceries, two more of Christmas presents, and another of wrapping paper and bows, just to save two trips to the car.

Alarm Systems or ALARM SYSTEMS: St. Patrick’s Day Mystery Story

by Gary R. Hoffman

It started out as a normal St. Patrick’s Day celebration in the town of Southern, Missouri, but before it was all over, four people ended up being treated at the Anderson Mental Hospital in Columbia. And of those four, three were under arrest for attempted grand theft. As for the rest of the people in Southern, St. Patrick’s Day would never be the same. What had seemed to be “legend” at one time now appeared to be “truth.”

