
Monet’s Wine Bistro: A Small but Magical Bistro in Exeter

by Evelyne Vivies

Monet's Cafe, the small but magical bistro-style restaurant of Exeter, offers refinement, culture, and art inspired by the greatest European cities. Its proprietor, sweet-natured Jen Davis, has the eye of an artist, the managerial grace of a symphony conductor, and the humility to realize how blessed she is. It's no wonder we love to go there again and again.

Cappella House in Exeter—Not Your Typical Coffee House

by Lorie Lewis Ham

If you are anywhere near the town of Exeter, be sure and stop in at the Cappella Coffee House. When you walk in you are greeted with the heavenly smell of coffee and a cozy atmosphere—requirements for any great coffee house—and chances are if it’s on the weekend there will be live music as well. And not only do they serve coffee and pastries, but also an all day breakfast and lunch menu.

