
What Is the Cost of a European Vacation?

by staff

Europe is a beautiful place full of history, culture, and much more. If you're thinking about taking a trip there, there are so many cities and attractions that you will find to enjoy on your trip.
Whether you want to explore the history at the Coliseum in Rome or see the views at the Leaning Tower of Pisa, there is so much to do and see on a European vacation. Still, wondering how much the cost of
European vacation is?

What I Did On My European Summer Vacation

by Kristalyn Patzkowski

Seeing as my mom and I travel every summer, I wasn’t surprised last fall when my mom asked me where I would like to go for the upcoming summer vacation. I didn’t surprise her either when I suggested going to Russia, or more specifically my birthplace. My mom knew that at one point in time I would want to go back to my roots, so she had already done some research. Much to her disappointment though, she wasn’t able to find enough information about the town where I was born.

