Circle of Blood By Debbie Viguie: Review/Interview/Giveaway
Samantha Ryan is a cop who has tried to escape magic and her past as a witch, but it keeps following her. Out of necessity, she has become a witch hunter--but where will that hunt lead her?
Samantha Ryan is a cop who has tried to escape magic and her past as a witch, but it keeps following her. Out of necessity, she has become a witch hunter--but where will that hunt lead her?
Homicide detective Samantha Ryan has just started a new life in San Francisco. Her hope is to forget the horrors of her past. As a child, she was part of a coven that was destroyed because of their lust for power. She also wants to leave magic behind completely, but she soon realizes that isn't so easy.
This week KRL has the pleasure of a guest article written by the writers of the new young adult fantasy novel Unleashed. Nancy & Debbie share about writing as a team & much more! After their article, Lorie Lewis Ham reviews Unleashed & there are details on how to enter to win a copy of the book!