
Doing Da Rogue: A Guide To The Rogue Festival Through Its Vocabulary

by Heather Parish

What's that? You say you've never been to the Rogue Festival in Fresno before? Hmmmm. . . I think it is about time you did. Don't let a little thing like the unfamiliar keep you from the adventure in art that is "Da Rogue". But, like any other cultural event that has evolved (this is its 10th year), it has its own quirks, etiquette and, of course, buzzwords.

Rainbow Delegation Sweeps The Country

by Justin Kamimoto

The Rainbow Delegation was started in August of 2010 by a man named Matt Mazzei. Mazzei, founder of the Rainbow Delegation, like others, had a dream of creating support for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community; a community which he proudly identifies as part of today. Six months later, the Rainbow Delegation is now known as a popular movement across the Central Valley, and has expanded its presence world wide.

Cinderella Musical On Stage at Enchanted Playhouse

by Lorie Lewis Ham

The musical version of Cinderella opened at the Enchanted Playhouse in Visalia on February the fourth and goes until the 19th. Director Don Williams stated that they decided to go with the musical version at the recommendation of founding director Susan Sluka-Kelly, who performed this version with her new company in Rancho Cucamonga a year and a half ago and it was well received.

Lonely Planet, on Stage in Visalia

by Nancy Holley

Director Irene Morse is effusive about Lonely Planet and playwright Steven Dietz. Morse praises Dietz’s ability to depict emotions from grief to giddiness with few words. According to Morse, Dietz had been mulling the idea for a play about friends dealing with crisis when he read Ionesco’s The Chairsand realized that chairs were the perfect vehicle for describing “a horrific time in a light hearted and quirky way.”

