
The Journey of a Beautiful Bipolar Bisexual Woman

by Maricela Estrado

I always thought that living with a mental illness was the hardest thing I ever faced in my life, but coming out was just as hard. I struggled to discover who I really was and what I wanted. Was I bi-curious, bisexual, or lesbian? It was all too perplexing. Coming out of the closet exacerbated the severity of my mental illness. I wondered if God loved me even though I was bisexual.

SUICIDE– Symptoms and Strategies for Recovery

by Emily Durbin
& Sherry Walling

Many of us experience periods of sadness, apathy and anxiety. In fact, many people have passing thoughts of causing harm to ourselves. Suicidal thoughts are not unusual, but they can become dangerous if they are persistent and pervasive. Although, it can be a difficult topic to discuss, candid conversations about suicidal thoughts can be lifesaving.

