Sheryl Wall

Turbo: Movie Review

by Sheryl Wall

Turbo is an animated film about snails and how the snail Turbo (voice by Ryan Reynolds) desires to race like the race car drivers he watches on TV in the garage where they live. Instead, he has to work with the other snails in the tomato garden, which he does not find fulfilling. On top of that, the other snails give Turbo a hard time for his dreams to race and put him down. However, one day his world changes when he has an accident that leads him to be sucked into a speeding car and he is changed by the nitrous oxide into a fast snail.

Epic: Movie Review

by Sheryl Wall

Epic is an animated fantasy adventure movie based on the book The Leafmen and the Brave Good Bugs by William Joyce. Teenage Mary Katherine comes to stay with her father who is an eccentric scientist who believes there are tiny people in the forest who live in a faster mode where we can't see them. His life work is based on learning about these tiny forest people but Mary Katherine doesn't believe they exist, like everyone else in his life, and is trying to convince him to quit his pursuit.

A Day in the Life of A Yorkie

by Sheryl Wall

Yorkshire Terriers are beautiful and elegant dogs that are loved by many. They are loving and full of life. They are known as lap dogs but there is a lot more to a Yorkie then cuddling with their owner. They can be very active and inquisitive little dogs who sometimes think they are much bigger then they really are. Yorkies are not the best choice for active and rambunctious children, but if your children are calmer and know how to interact with a small dog it can be a great match.

The Croods: Movie Review

by Sheryl Wall

The Croods is an animated movie about a prehistoric family that lives in a cave. Their father, Grug, voice by Nicholas Cage, is overprotective and never lets them wander from home. His daughter Eep, voice by Emma Stone, wants to venture out and doesn't like being stuck in the cave all the time.

Logan’s Secret By Suzanne Burke: Book Review/Guest Post/Giveaway

by Sheryl Wall
& Suzanne Burke

Logan's Secret written by Suzanne Burke is a children's story about a retired racing Greyhound and his journey to his forever family. It is told as if Logan, the Greyhound, is telling his own story. During his last race he just stops mid-race and his owner decides it's time to retire him. The book goes through Logan's experiences that lead up to his adoption.

The West Highland White Terrier

by Sheryl Wall

In 2002, our first West Highland White Terrier (Westie for short) joined our family and I have been in love with the breed ever since. Our first Westie we named Mei Kumi Na Tisa. Her name is Swahilli for May 19, which is our Anniversary and she was our gift to each other for our first Anniversary. We chose a Swahili name because our love started in Africa but that is a whole other story. Later our Westie family grew and Cosette (Natisa's daughter) joined our family. The two of them are inseparable.

Frankenweenie: Movie Review

by Sheryl Wall

Frankenweenie is a remake from Tim Burton's short film created in 1984. It is a stop motion film made in black and white. The movie starts out with Victor Frankenstein and his parents watching a stop motion film that Victor made with his dog Sparky as one of the characters.

Hotel Transylvania: Movie Review

by Sheryl Wall

Hotel Transylvania is about Dracula (Adam Sandler) and his daughter Mavis (Selena Gomez). He built the hotel as a place free from humans. On Mavis' 118th Birthday, all of the monsters such as the Invisible Man, Frankenstein, the werewolf and his many children, and Mummy Griffin come to the hotel to celebrate her Birthday. Dracula always puts on a big party for his daughter's birthday.

