by Ellie Alexander
Calling all book rebels, are you ready for some rebel reading? I’m launching the Rebel Book Alliance, where we read and amplify banned books, and I’d love for you to join me.
My earliest memories are of traipsing to the library every Friday afternoon, where I would spend hours scouring the aisles and returning home with a stack of books I would devour in a few days. Reading about far-off corners of the globe and characters who had vastly different experiences than me shaped who I am as a writer and person today. Books like Farewell to Manzanar by Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston opened my eyes to internment camps located a few miles away from where I grew up and something that my high school history classes barely touched upon. Ursula Le Guin’s The Left Hand of Darkness redefined gender roles. At the same time, The Color Purple by Alice Walker revealed the brutalities of abuse and systemic racism with a powerful message of resiliency despite seemingly insurmountable challenges.
Without these stories and countless others, I don’t know who I would be today, so I’m starting the Rebel Book Alliance. Books like these are being banned in classrooms and libraries throughout the United States, and we can fight back with our collective reading power.
Here’s how it works. I’ll be sharing a variety of books on banned lists, from illustrated children’s books to full-length adult novels. You can buy the books, request them from your library, share them on social media, and talk about them with your book friends.
The first read for our Rebel Book Alliance is a sweet story about two penguins, Roy and Silo, who fall in love and adopt a baby penguin, And Tango Makes Three by Peter Parnell and Justin Richardson. We’ll chat about the book live on Instagram on the last Thursday of the month. Join in on March 30 at 5 p.m. Pacific Time.
If you can’t join in this month, you can start reading next month’s book pick now—Out of Darkness, by Ashley Hope Pérez.
Happy rebel reading,
I am definitely a book rebel and excited to join the Rebel Book Alliance! A number of banned books among my favorites. Animal Farm, 1984, A Wrinkle In Time, and Huckleberry Finn come to mind. I am sure there are many people ready to fight back against book banning by bringing banned books into the light.
I am a definitely a book rebel! Some of my favorite books are banned books, including 1984, Animal Farm, and the children’s classic A Wrinkle in Time. I think it is important to keep banned books out there for new readers to discover and a book club is a great way to do that. Count me in.
This is really exciting! I strive to read Banned and Challenged every September, but really, we should all read all year long.
I’ve earlier read this month’s book and adored it!
I love this idea and excited to be involved!! ?
I love this idea and excited to be involved!! ?
I don’t use Instagram or Twitter, but I firmly believe in this issue. As I saw on Facebook, you can choose what books you read. You can choose what books your children read. You cannot choose what anyone else reads. This was a ruling by the Indiana court system.
Like you I found books to be my closest friends growing up.