Interview With Outstanding RHS Student Joyce Funda

Apr 9, 2011 | 2011 Articles, Education, Reedley News, Teens

by Amanda Hager

Joyce Funda a junior at RHS and the smartest person I know. She said in our interview that if she could change her past she would have joined more clubs and sports earlier in high school. I laughed because I think she is involved with enough already! But that is Joyce for you, she never gives up, she is constantly involved and nothing is too big or too hard for her. She is an academic inspiration and I can’t wait to see what she does later in life.

Amanda: What characteristics do you posses that you think are outstanding?

Joyce: My perseverance and willingness to try anything new.

Amanda: What motivates you?

Joyce: To have a better education and life through various opportunities presented to me.

Amanda: How do you stay motivated?

Joyce: My father and my best friend are my main support. They both encourage me to do better, work harder, and aim higher.

Amanda: What are some of your hopes and goals?

Joyce: My hopes are my grandma seeing my high school and college graduation because she is getting older. My goals are to be a valedictorian and a pirate pillar, attend Stanford University and get my doctorate in BioMedical Engineering.

Amanda: What is your favorite subject and why?

Joyce: Math because numbers and equations don’t confuse me.

Amanda: What do you like to do in your free time?

Joyce: I like to read books, spend time with my best friends and eat pastries.

Amanda: What activities are you involved in?

Joyce: “Asian Persuasion, California Scholarship Federation, Interact Club, Entre Nous, Upward Bound: Math and Science, Varsity Track, and Yearbook.

Amanda: Who is your role model and why?

Joyce: My father because I learned how no matter how hard the world seems against you, I can move forward with my loved ones. He is my savior when I’m in trouble and my counselor when I need guidance.

Amanda: What advice do you have to give to young scholars beginning their academic journey?

Joyce: Don’t be afraid to try harder classes, enjoy high school, and don’t procrastinate!

Amanda: What is one thing about you most people don’t know?

Joyce: Most people don’t know I am afraid of the future.

Watch for more outstanding student interviews/profiles in the future as we highlight the leaders of tomorrow here at KRL.

Amanda Hager is 16 years old & a junior at Reedley High School where she is a member of the Pirate Marching Band. She began writing in 5th grade & has always had a passion for it, winning some writing contests over the years.


  1. Awww 😀 Joyce is like the smartest person i know!! Keep going Joyce!

  2. Joyce is way cool! but kinda weird…….. 🙂


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