Peeps! for Dogs

Mar 1, 2014 | 2014 Articles, Pets, Sandra Murphy

by Sandra Murphy

It’s Easter time again and that means colored eggs, chocolate bunnies that lose their ears too soon, and baskets full of the all-time favorite–Peeps! The bright pastel colored marshmallow chicks and bunnies are a holiday must.

Peeps chicks come in pink, green, blue, orange and lavender, dark and light chocolate covered, and party cake or vanilla crème flavored. Bunnies are available too. Don’t miss the chocolate mousse flavor. There are about 32 calories (none from fat) in one Peeps.

Peeps are not just for stuffing into your face, although that can’t be beat. Check out this colorful Easter Peeps cake. It’s easy to make and sure to be a big hit at Sunday dinner. There are also recipes for Peeps cookies and Rice Krispie bars.

Fun facts:
• The number of Peeps eaten each year could span the earth more than once.
• Peeps have been the best-selling non-chocolate candy for the last decade.
• If you line up Peeps, beak to tail, from New York City to Los Angeles, it would take 70 million to do the job, plus replacements for those eaten along the way!

Now that you’ve seen some of the answers, take the Peeps Quiz and see how you do.

The best part–this year there are Peeps! for Dogs!! PetSmart is launching a new and exclusive line with Peeps that includes rope toys, plush toys in three sizes, bottle crunchers and more. They will be in stores March 3 through the end of April only. Peeps! for Dogs! are affordable too, ranging in price from $2.99 to $9.99.

Peeps plush dog toys

Ozzie got a sneak peek or should that be Peep? at the new line. He heartily endorses them and says Peeps! for all dogs this year. Remember, it’s PetSmart’s exclusive and for a limited time only. Make it a colorful Easter!

Easter warning: While dogs could have a small (very small) bite of a marshmallow Peeps, (not the chocolate covered ones), dogs don’t really chew, so swallowing could present a choking hazard so it’s best to stick with the Peeps! toys. Also avoid Easter grass in the baskets. Grass picks up the sweet smell of candy and is tempting to dogs and cats–and can easily cause a costly and life threatening obstruction.

Sandra's dog Ozzie enjoying his new Peeps! toys

You can find more animal rescue, therapy animal, and other pet related articles in our pet section.

Sandra Murphy lives in the shadow of the arch, in the land of blues, booze and shoes—St Louis, Missouri. While writing magazine articles to support her mystery book habit, she secretly polishes two mystery books of her own, hoping, someday, they will see the light of Barnes and Noble. You can also find several of Sandra’s short stories on UnTreed Reads including her new one Bananas Foster.


  1. Love the article and the Peeps for dogs!!! Can’t wait to go to PetSmart and get some for my 3 dogs!!! Thanks Sandra Murphy for telling me about them.

    Maria Crocker

  2. I never cared much for the human peeps but I think I can get behind the doggy ones!

  3. I enjoyed reading about the Peeps and the link for the cake recipe and decorating from “Just Born” the manufacturer. I may have to change my alegiance to the bunnies. I think I may prepare a cake and decorate to surprise my grandchildren.
    It may have interested ‘peep consumers” to learn how the ‘peeps’ came into being or to ask ‘ do you like them fresh or stale’? I believe I heard it was a toss-up.
    I did not know my dog could choke on peeps so I appreciate Sandra sharing the information.
    I believe I will make a trip to PetSmart for some Peeps for my dog’s Easter basket.
    Enjoyed the article very much as well as seeing Ozzie with his Peeps.

    osoueer if ‘how the peeps came to beThere is a story about how the

  4. I’ve always loved Peeps. My grandsons taught me how to put them in the microwave for ten seconds and watch them swell to about three times their size.

    Thanks for the info, Sandy, and for the picture of Ozzie the Magnificent.

  5. Stale Peeps make me happy and no fat is good, too, but stuffed Peeps and Ozzie at Easter — too cute. What a smart dog.

  6. I got my dog these and she is OBSESSED. As soon as I gave it to her she was running around like crazy like I’d never seen her before. So cute!!


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