by Clayton Bradley
Here at Dunlap Leadership Academy, a WASC Accredited High School, located in Dunlap California, part of Kings Canyon Unified School District; we have all anxiously awaited Monday, April 22, 2013. As most people know it to be, Earth Day.
Our school has a small student population of about seventy-five students; twenty of those students physically attend DLA here in Dunlap. The staff and students all participated in Earth Day, which was a hands-on interaction that we really enjoyed doing. We participated by contributing a portion of our campus property in commemoration to Earth, by planting trees and plants. It’s the least we could do to show Earth how thankful we are to be able to live off of and share its many recourses. The gesture may not be of huge significance to nature itself, but as students representing Dunlap High School, we are proud to say that we are making an effort in bettering our area and its beautiful surroundings.
This day gave us a sense of excitement and joy as we prepared to plant the new little trees that arrived on Monday. The trees we planted were provided by the Dunlap Leadership Academy. We received two Keith Davey Pistachio trees, that will provide a canopy of beautiful and vibrant colored leaves. To truly make the garden area our own, each student brought a rock to place around the newly planted trees.
Our school has gone above and beyond to put our mark on this year’s Earth Day. Being a student of Dunlap Leadership Academy gives me a sense of pride in knowing that we are all willing to reach out and do something on what most schools pass up as just another day. Here in the foothill city of Dunlap, we will always be celebrating Earth Day.
I would like to share with the community an article that a student Clayton Bradley, grade 11, has wrote and some pictures taken from our Earth Day Celebration at DLA last Monday. I am not sure who I needed to contact to get this in the magazine, I was hoping that you would be able to help me. I really would like to have our school recognized as we have some wonderful students! I have attached the student article and some pictures to this email.